The End

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The End| Lily

2 years later

"My little baby is graduating!" My mum cries and I smile, playfully rolling my eyes. She's been emotional all morning.

"Ava baby, calm down." My dad sighs, rubbing her back.

"Kaden, our daughter is graduating! She's going to be a little fashion designer." She beams.

"Mum, calm down." Ross says and she takes a deep reach.

"It's just you've gone through so much." She whispers and I decide to pull her into a hug. I rest my cheek on her chest and squeeze my arms around her.

My dad and uncle found Adrik last year, they didn't tell me the details but he's no longer around.

My crazy uncle even threw a party.

"I love you, mum." I whisper and she tightens her arms.

"Hey! What about your old man?" My dad exclaims and I roll my eyes and go over to hug him.

"Love you too."

"Yeah you better." He says and I giggle, pulling away.

"Where's your gown?" He questions.

"It's in my room. I'll go and get it." He nods and I make my way upstairs.

I walk into my room and jump in fright when I see Aleksio sat on my bed, playing with a basketball.

"Aleks!" I run over and jump on top of him, pushing him back onto the bed. It's been a few months since I've seen him because of his scholarship. "You're here!" I whisper.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be, baby? You're graduating." He sits up and I keep my arms and legs wrapped around him. "I'm so proud of you, Lily." He kisses the side of my head and I smile.

I pull away and look down at him.

"I've missed you so much." I sniffle and he smiles.

"Don't cry, you'll ruin your makeup and then blame me later." He chuckles and I giggle.

"How's the scholarship going?"

"I've got a match this weekend." My smile brightens. "And I want my baby there." He grins and I nod my head eagerly.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I grin back at him and his smile widens.

"That's my girl." He pinches my hip and I squeal, jumping off his lap. "Let's go and get you graduated." He winks.


My crazy uncle has thrown another party but this time for a more positive reason. I smile as I walk into my house which has been decorated.

"How is my favourite niece?" Uncle Luciano smiles, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as he leads me further into the house.

"I'm your only niece." I grin and he winks. "Did you do all this?" He nods his head and I smile gently.

"All for Little Lily." He says with pride.

"Thank you." He nods, taking a sip from his bottle of beer.

I watch as he walks over to his husband and my smile brightens when I see Aleksio walking up to me.

"Have you told your mum and dad yet?" He questions and I shake my head.

"Aleks if I had told them do you think my dad would be standing over there looking all calm?" Aleksio slowly shakes his head and takes a deep breath.

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