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Chapter Nineteen| Lily

"Why are we here?!" I question Ivan in frustration.

He takes a drag from his cigarette and then exhales the smoke from his nose. "Someone owes me money, princess Lily." He puts out the cigarette before standing up, and buttoning up his suit jacket.

"Well can you hurry up." I roll my eyes, getting fed up from the smell of alcohol and the loud yelling and cheering.

He grins and slowly walks up to me. I have to look up at him as I'm sat on one of the velvet seats. He reaches forward to stroke my hair and I pull away, looking up at him in disgust.

"Don't touch me." I grit my teeth.

He pulls his hand away and the features on his face harden. I've pissed him off.

"You're gonna wait here for as long as it takes. You move and I'll shoot your pretty little brains out." He winks and I raise my eyebrows.

"What happened to me not needing to be scared of you?" I question and he smirks.

"That smart mouth of yours will get you in trouble one day." He pulls his hand away and walks out of the vip room.

There's a large window which looks over the whole club and I watch as he descends down the stairs. I turn around and frown when I see the bald man from earlier, standing by the exit.

I sigh and flop back on the sofa.



"Can you slow the fuck down?!" My sister yells at me as I drive to the fight club. I grin and speed up, changing gear. "You know our niece is missing and you're dragging me to some shitty fight club."

"I'm looking for someone." I quickly glance over to her and catch her frowning.



"How do you know he's going to be at the club?" She questions me and I smile when I see the club coming into view. "Why didn't you tell Kaden and Ardian?"

"So they could shoot up the place and possible put Lily in even more danger cause they can't control their anger?" I raise my eyebrows.

"So what do you plan on doing? Because you're pretty psychotic yourself." Elena asks me and I turn to see she is sharpening a knife.

"You're going to seduce him and I'm going to try and get Lily." Elena begins to laugh.

"I'm an old fucking woman and you want me to flirt with some little boy. Yeah, no." She crosses her arms over her chest and I roll my eyes.

"So you're just going to let little Lily die?"

"Don't be fucking stupid!" She growls out and I chuckle. I park the car and switch the engine off.

"Right let's go." We climb out of the car and make our way into the illegal fight club.

"Mmm, nothing special." I say to myself as I look around the run down warehouse. I pull out a cigarette and look around the place. My head then goes up to a large window but I can't see anything from the inside. "Little Lily is in there."

"How do you know?" Elena looks up at the window in confusion.

"Do you trust your big bro?" I smirk and she rolls her eyes.

"Of course I fucking don't."



"When's Ivan coming back?" I ask the bald guy that I now call Phil.

He shrugs.

"I need a toilet." He looks at me with a bored face.

"I've been told about that trick. Nice try." My eyes widen and then I pout my lips.

I look back out the window and furrow my eyebrows. "Auntie Lena?" I whisper, squinting my eyes. Then my heart rate picks up when I make eye contact with my Uncle Luciano.

I look back at Phil to see he's looking away and then I try to wave at my uncle but frown when he doesn't react.

He's looking right at me. My eyes begin to water when I see them walk away.

"I really need a toilet!" I exclaim to Phil and he sighs.

"You're annoying." He unlocks the door and nods his head telling me to follow him.

I smile and follow him. As we walk out of the room I see the stairs that Ivan descended down.

I could make it.

I go to sprint down the stairs but an arm wraps around my waist and I'm thrown over someone's shoulder.

Ivan's shoulder.

"You think I'm fucking stupid?" He grits his teeth and I whimper.

"Lena!" I scream for my Auntie. "Lena!" Her head turns just before we disappear behind a door.

I'm thrown into the passenger seat of a car and then Ivan crouches down in front of me. "You're really testing my fucking patience, princess Lily." He growls out and slams the door.

I whimper and throw my head back against the headrest.

Ivan climbs into the drivers side and speeds off.

"I hope my family kill you!" I cry out and he just shakes his head.

"It's gonna take a lot to kill me, so get comfortable."


I miss Aleks.

I miss his hugs and kisses.

I hug a pillow closer to my chest as I silently cry. The door opens and Ivan walks in, he goes to sit on a chair next to my bed. He leans back and rests his elbows on the sides.

"You cry a lot." He says and I roll my eyes. I choose not to say anything and he continues. "You're too pretty to cry." I begin to cry harder because that's what my dad tells me. "Fuck sake, I said you're pretty, no need to cry."

"Leave me alone, please." I whisper and his face softens.

"What's it like?" I furrow my eyebrows. "To have a loving family."

"The best thing ever." I gently smile, wiping my cheeks. I sit up and rest my back against the headboard. "My dad is crazy overprotective."

"So I'm definitely on the hit list?" He chuckles and my smile drops.

"Why are you doing all of this? You're asking me what it's like to have a loving family but I know you're just planning on taking them away from me." I whisper.

"Your dad killed mine. He took away my family." I close my eyes in frustration. "And your boyfriend's dad, just as bad."

"Let me go, please." I sit on the edge of the bed and plead with him.

He stares at me.

"I can't."


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