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Chapter Twenty-One| Lily

"Are you kidding me?!" I exclaim at my new kidnapper as soon as he rips the bag off of my head. I clench my jaw and look around the abandoned warehouse.

I then look up at the large tattooed man who looks at me in disgust. "I've heard you're a gobby little shit." He growls out and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Must be something wrong with your hearing because I'm an angel." I give him a sarcastic smile and he snarls and then hits me over the head, knocking me unconscious.

The next time I wake up I frown when I feel a massive headache.

"Lily!" I harsh whisper grabs my attention and I look to my right to see Ivan sat next to me, a chain around his ankle. I look down to see that there is also one around my own ankle.

Just great.

"Ivan!" I exclaim and he flinches.

"Shut up." He groans and I roll my eyes.

Then I frown.

"You were shot!" I whisper and he groans, moving around in discomfort.

"Fuck knows what they did to me." He grits his teeth.

"Do you know who's kidnapped us?" He gives me a bored look and I give him an innocent smile.

"No, Lily. Why the fuck would I know who's kidnapped us?" My eyes widen and I awkwardly look away from him.

"Sorry." I whisper.

My dad is so going to throw me into therapy when he finds me. If he finds me more like.

"Why aren't you crying? You not scared?" Ivan questions and I shake my head.

It's sad that this is what I'm used to, over the years I had to learn to accept that there will be a time where something like this will happen. What scares me more is that one day I might not come back to my family.

That would kill my parents off for sure.

"Not like it's the first time." I shrug.

"I'm sorry." I frown at Ivan's words. "I wanted revenge for my dad but now I've realised that it won't bring him back. I'm an idiot." I slowly nod my head at his words.

"So you're not going to kill my dad?" I raise my eyebrows at him and he smirks, shaking his head. "Also I'm not going to say it's okay because it's not. You kidnapped me from my boyfriend and family."

"Fine." Ivan shakes his head with a small smile on his face.

"Now that's how I know you're not my son." Our heads whip to the entrance of the warehouse and I furrow my eyebrows at a man who looks like his face has been burnt on one side.

"Dad?" Ivan whispers in shock and my eyes widen. "You're supposed to be dead."

"Yeah I hate to disappoint you but you're mother had an affair with another man." I watch as Ivan's face falls. "And I got lucky and escaped death." He smirks and I give him a weird look.

He looks at me and a sickening smile etches onto his face. "Little Lily, my name is Adrik." He slowly walks up to me and crouches down so he is eye level with me. "You're going to die here, little girl and then I'm going to send your precious father the address so he can come and find your dead body, okay?" He smiles, running a finger down my face. I flinch and feel my eyes beginning to water.

I don't want my dad to find my dead body. I whimper and throw my head back in frustration.

"Did he tell you how he tried to kill me? Sick bastard actually thought he did the job as well. Killing him would be too easy but killing you, well I know how precious you are to him." I bite my lip to stop it from trembling.

"Leave her alone!" Ivan shouts. Adrik slowly turns to an angry Ivan and I all of a sudden feel scared for the boy that kidnapped me first.

"The fuck did you just say to me?" Adrik stands up and storms up to Ivan. He grabs him by his tattooed neck and pulls him up from the ground. "Don't fucking speak to me like that, you show me some respect."

"What? It's not like you're my dad, so fuck off." Ivan growls out and I give him a pleading look to stop because I kind of want to make it out alive.

Adrik chuckles and throws him back down. "You think I've got time for this." He clicks his fingers and the fat man who hit me round the head comes along holding a canister of gasoline.

My heart starts to race and my vision begins to blur.

I really am going to die here. A loud whimper escapes my lips.

"It's okay, Lily." Ivan says in a gentle tone and I shake my head in panic.

I never got to say goodbye to Aleks and my dad and I didn't leave on the best of terms. A cry escapes my lips when Adrik begins to splash it around the warehouse.

"Please stop." I whimper but the crazy man begins to laugh.

Once he's finished he pulls his phone from the back of his pocket and walks back up to me.

"Any last words for daddy, little Lily?" He smirks holding the camera up to my face. I sniffle and look back at Ivan who is looking at me with a sorry look. I begin to play with my hands and inhale a shaky breathe.

"I-I'm sorry for causing you and mummy so much trouble." I wipe the tears from my face. "Please tell Aleks I love him as well and tell him to get his scholarship for me." I sniffle again. "Please don't do anything silly when I'm gone, dad and tell my brothers that I love them too. I love you and mama."

Adrik stops the recording and pats me on the head. I flinch yet again, however I begin to panic when I feel a seizure coming on. "Ivan." I whimper and he looks at me with wide, panicked eyes.

"Well I've got things to do, so I'll see you all in hell." Adrik grins.



"Drive faster!" Kaden yells at Luciano. My eyes widen when I see tears running down his face.

I've never seen the man cry.

Apparently there was a video sent to him off Lily's location but they wouldn't show me. I feel panic begin to rise when I see a thick cloud of black smoke in the distance.

"Shit, shit, shit." Luciano mutters, speeding up.

"Fuck!" Kaden yells, smacking his hand on the dashboard. "I'm not going to be able to live with myself if something's happened to her."

"She'll be fine and this time I'll finish the job with Adrik." Elena growls out next to me, sharpening a knife.

My heart stops when we pull up outside a burning building. Kaden doesn't hesitate to climb out of the vehicle and we follow after him.

"Lily!" He yells, his voice cracking. I look up at the building in shock.

It's engulfed in flames.

My baby is in there.

I clutch my hair in frustration.

I get ready to run into the building to find her but the sound of my dad's voice stops me. I see him climbing out of the other car with Lily's brother and Elijah.

"Don't you fucking dare, I'm not losing you." He growls out and pulls me away from the building.

A massive explosion throws us all back and I begin to cough as smoke fills my lungs.

The building collapses.

"No, no, no!"

Heyyy 👁👄👁✌🏾

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