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Chapter Twenty-Three| Aleksio

2 months later

"Mr Morello, there's a low chance of your daughter waking up." The doctor tells him and I flinch when Kaden punches the wall.

"That life support is staying on, I don't care how much money I have to pay! My daughter is going to wake up!" He growls out and then storms out of the hospital room.

I sigh and tiredly rub my face. The doctor gives me a small nod and then exits the room.

I shuffle closer to my girl and stroke her hair. "Come on, baby. Wake up." I whisper. "I'll watch Princess and the Frog with you everyday if that makes you happy." I smile gently but it quickly falls when there's no response.

"You're my soulmate, Princess Lily. You know this." I croak, wiping the tears that have begun to fall. "I'm nothing without you."

"Aleks?" I turn my head to Lily who is laid back staring up at the night sky.


"Where do you think we go when we die?" She whispers and I furrow my eyebrows, sitting up on my elbows.

"I dunno, baby. What kind of question is that?" I lightly chuckle and she smiles gently, sitting up with me. "You'll definitely go to heaven, but me, probably not."

She frowns at my words.

"You're a good person, Aleks." She tells me and I raise my eyebrows.

I'm so in love with this girl.

"You think?"

"I know." She grins. "Whoever you end up with in the future will be so lucky to have you." She whispers and I feel my heart crack a little.

I want that person to be her.

I slowly nod my head and then lay back down. Butterflies erupt in my stomach when Lily lays her head on my chest.

"Don't you think it's weird how one day we're going to be at each others weddings and have children?" I bite my lip.

Please be quiet Lily.

The thought of her being with another guy makes me angry.

"Mmm." Is my only reply and I go back to staring at the stars.

"You should probably go before my dad gets back." She giggles lightly and I sigh, not wanting to leave her.

"Can I not just stay the night? I'll climb up the tree." She sighs but nods her head.

"You have to be quiet though." I nod my head. "And you have to watch Princess and the Frog with me." Fuck.

I nod.


"We should just leave this town." Lily sighs and I turn to face her as she sits in the passenger seat.

She's stuffing a burger in her mouth as we sit in an empty car park. The only source of light are coming from the lamps which highlight her beautiful features.

"And go where?" I laugh and then take a sip from my drink.

"Anywhere but here, Aleks." She whispers and I bite my lip feeling tempted to switch the car on and just drive her wherever she wants to go.

"Your whole family would go crazy." I raise my eyebrows at her and she playfully rolls her eyes. "Remember they're in the mafia."

"I wish they weren't." She says and I sigh. "Maybe I'd have a bit more freedom and wouldn't have to keep looking over my shoulder twenty-four seven. Don't you feel the same?" She questions and I shrug.

"Not really." She slowly nods her head and we just continue to sit in a comfortable silence.


"Why do you keep following me?" A four year old Lily whispers at me.

I smile and continue to silently follow her.

"You're pretty." She smiles.

"I knows my daddy tells me all the time." She flicks her hair and I pout my lips. "My daddy says you're obsessed with me."

I furrow my eyebrows at her words. "What does that mean?" I ask, playing with my fingers nervously.

"I don't know but it sounds cool." She grins and I grin back at her.

"Would you like to watch a film with me? It's good." I step a little closer to her.

"What's it called?"

"Princess and the Frog." She says proudly.



I slowly wake up to my phone ringing. I sigh and check to see it's Lily calling me, I frown and check the time.

It's four in the morning.


"I'm sorry to wake you." She sniffles and I sit up in alert.

"What's wrong, Lily?" I question.

"I just had a bad dream and now I can't sleep, I just wanted to see if you were okay because......you died." My eyes widen as she whispers the last words.

"Well I'm very much alive, baby." I lightly chuckle. I hear her sigh down the phone and I can't hold back my smile.

She's so cute.

"How did I die?" I question in amusement.

"It's not funny, Aleks." She says and I bite my lip. "A building was on fire and you were trapped in there."

"Oh wow." I whisper.

"Exactly! I'm sure you'd be scared if you had a dream about me being trapped in a burning building." She deadpans.

"Baby, I'd run into that building to save you."


And I did.

Except Lily isn't awake and there is a big possibility that she won't wake up.

"I got a scholarship." I tell her and play with the bracelet on her wrist. "It doesn't feel right though, you can't celebrate with me and that breaks my heart."

I rest my head on the bed and sit in silence. However a knock at the door grabs my attention and I look to the entrance of the room and my anger begins to rise.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Hope you enjoyed 💗

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