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Chapter Twenty| Lily

"Lils, I don't wanna watch Princess and the Frog again!" Aleksio whines whilst, resting his head on my stomach.

"But I love this film." I pout my lips and he gives me a bored look.

"Really? I would of never guessed." He replies sarcastically and I roll my eyes, switching the tv off. "Tell me you love me." He sits up and runs his fingers through my hair.

"Tell me you're sorry." I retort and he smirks.

"Did I hurt your feelings, baby?" He grins and I lightly hit him round the head.

"You're always hurting my feelings." I whisper and his face falls.

"Have I done something?" He panics and I try my best to hold in my laugh. "Lily?" He grabs hold of my cheeks and looks at me in worry.

I can't hold in my laugh. He pouts his lips when he see's I'm joking around with him.

"Don't do that shit, Lily." He mumbles and I laugh harder, wrapping my arms around him.

"Sorry. I love you." I beam and he smiles, kissing my cheek.

"I love you always."

"Princess Lily."

I furrow my eyebrows.

The memory fades.

"Princess Lily."

"Stop calling me that!" I growl out and open my eyes to see Ivan hovering over me. "What's the time?" I frown when I see it's still dark outside.

"I wanna show you something." He pulls me out of bed. I pull myself away from him and he rolls his eyes.

"Where are we going?" I question him and he smirks.

"I'm letting you go." My eyes widen and I smile.

"You're letting me go?" I whisper but he shakes his head.

"No. Now get ready." He demands before walking out.


"Since when do kidnappers want to show the person they're holding captive the stars?" I furrow my eyebrows and Ivan just smiles.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Felt like it."

"You're weird."

"Been called worse." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"You're lonely aren't you?" I whisper and his face falls a little. "You had no-one, you've been put into a life you probably didn't want and you feel alone."

He clenches his jaw and looks away.

"It's okay to admit you're lonely, it's nothing to be ashamed of." He goes to speak but a rustling noise grabs hold of our attention.

Ivan pulls a gun from the waistband of his jeans and holds it out in front of him. A sigh of relief escapes my lips when I see it's just a cat.

"Your boyfriend is a lucky bastard." Ivan chuckles, shaking his head lightly, tucking the gun back into his waistband. "I'm surprised you're still with him though."

I frown. "What's that suppose to mean?"

"He knowingly put you in danger. He was happy to bring you to Albania knowing something bad could happen to you." I bite my lip and look away from his intense stare.

"I love him."

Ivan takes a minute before raising his eyebrows and slowly nodding his head. "How long you known each other?"

"Since I was five."

"Wow." He breathes out and stares up at the sky. "Soulmates then?" I nod my head.

"You'd like my friend Elle." His eyes widen a little. Just before I left with Aleksio she told me she broke up with Jack.

Elle is so hard-headed. A bit like Ivan.

"What's she like?" I smile a little at how interested he looks.

Shame they're never gonna meet.

"Crazy, like you."

"I'm not crazy." He groans and I laugh a little.

"Ivan, you could just let me go and everything will go back to normal. Trust me I give my dad enough grief." I give him a small smile and Ivan shakes his head.


My face falls.

"I'd like to go back to bed." I stand up from the grass and Ivan follows after me.

As we're walking back into the house a gunshot makes me jump. I spin around and frown when I see Ivan clutching his stomach.

A scream escapes my mouth when a bag is thrown over my head.



"You said Adrik was dead?" Elijah questions my dad and he furrows his eyebrows.

"Because he is."

"Yeah, no he's not." Elijah frowns.

"What?!" I spin around and see Kaden storming up to us. He looks at the computer screen and clenches his jaw.

"And to make things worse, Ivan isn't even his son." I release a breathe and my eyes widen at how crazy the situation is.

"I killed him, Elijah! I watched him die right in front of me." Kaden rubs his face in frustration.

"She was there!" Elena exclaims to Luciano. The two walk in and we all look at them.

"Who was where?" I question them.

"Lily!" Elena throws her arms up and we all tense. "That Ivan guy had her thrown over his shoulder and she was calling out for me." I clench my jaw.

"Well why didn't you go and get her?! Why didn't you tell me you knew where my daughter was?!" Kaden yells and I clench my eyes, feeling a headache coming on.

"Cause you're crazy and reckless!" Luciano speaks up. "Listen we couldn't go after her because these crazy Russian guys had shotguns and everything."

"My poor girl." Kaden whispers, looking worried.

She must be so scared.

"I put a tracker on his car though." Luciano smirks.

"Get my gun." Kaden growls out.

"Let me help!" I plead and my dad and Kaden look at me with a frown. "I've been trained, please!"

My dad sighs and then slowly nods his head. "Then that's it." I nod my head eagerly. "You get your scholarship."


"Fuck sake." He mutters and slides a gun over to me.


We pull up to a large mansion and my eyes widen.

"What the fuck?" I whisper in shock.

"Wait." Luciano slams on the brakes. "Something doesn't feel right, wait here." He tells me.

The other two cars stop behind us and Luciano gets out to check the area. He comes back about five minutes later.

I get out of the car and watch as he rubs the stubble on his face.

"Yeah we might of been a bit too late."

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