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Chapter Eleven| Aleksio

Lily smirks and then climbs off of my lap. "I'm not easy like the other girls you've been with, Aleks." She smiles. "You have to earn it." She then climbs under the covers and I continue to stare at her with wide, shocked eyes.

"Cheeky little shit." I mumble with a smile and reach over to turn the lamp off. "You not gonna help me out?" I whisper in the dark. "Lily? Baby?"

And she's asleep.

"I love you but you're a pain in the arse." I whisper, kissing her forehead and I pull her on top my chest. I grit my teeth as her thigh brushes my hard on.


I wake up and panic when Lily is not by my side.

I jump out of bed and throw on some basketball shorts before running down the stairs. "Lily?!" I call out for her.

I pause when I hear giggling coming from the kitchen.

"Yeah, your dad has already been on the phone. He's worried about you." I frown when I hear my dad chuckling. "I'm happy my son has finally come to his senses, you'll always be welcome in this family, Lily."

"Thanks, Ardy." She grins and I decide to make my presence known.

My dad is sat on a kitchen island chair, with his crutches next to him. Lily sits next to him as she eats what looks to be pancakes.

Her eyes brighten when she sees me.

"Hey!" She beams and pats the seat next to her.

I take a seat next to her and kiss her cheek.

"I'm gonna go." My dad smiles and limps out of the kitchen.

"Pancake?" My girl offers me some of her pancakes and I smile at how cute she looks.

"No thanks, baby." I smile, pouring myself some coffee.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go to the fair later. Josh, Elle and her boyfriend are going." I sigh and her smile drops. "You can't come?"

"I'm sorry, Lily." I reach up to stroke her hair and she nods, her face filled with disappointment. "I love you." I whisper and she smiles gently.

"I love you too." She reaches up to kiss my cheek. "I need to get back home before my dad throws a fit." She laughs lightly.

"Finish your breakfast and then I'll drive you home."


"Lily, where the fuck is the tree?!" I exclaim as I see a tree stump that use to be a big fuck off tree.

How else am I going to sneak into my girl's room now?

"He did not!" She groans, stumbling out of the car and storming up the drive.

I decide to go after her. Her mum opens the door with a wide smile on her face but that quickly falls when she sees how angry her daughter is.

I awkwardly smile. "Aleksio, hi!" She pulls me into a tight hug and I smile.

"Hi, Mrs Morello." I smile down at her.

"How was your date?" She winks and my eyes widen.

"I-We didn't do anything." I rush out, knowing that my cheeks are tinted a bright red.

"Okay." She smirks and then walks off.

"Dad, why would you do that?!" I hear Lily yell and I follow her voice to the kitchen.

"It could of fallen onto the house." I try not to roll my eyes at her dad's comment because it is very obvious why he cut the tree down.

"Lily, I got to go." She turns to face me and then walks up to me.

My eyes widen in shock when she pulls me into a kiss. "Love you." She smiles and I continue to stare at her in shock.

I look behind her to see her dad staring at me with raised eyebrows. "I love you." I tell her and kiss her forehead before turning to leave the house but I'm stopped by her dad.

"Aleksio." I slowly turn around and nod. "Keep making her happy and we won't have a problem but if you break her heart, trust me I won't hesitate to shoot you."

"Dad!" Lily exclaims and I smile.

"Of course, Mr Morello. See you later, Lils." I kiss her forehead again and leave the house.


It's now the evening and I've just finished training. I smile to myself knowing I'll make my girl happy that I can go to the fair with her.

I get ready and then I get in my car. I drive to the fair and check my hair in the rear view mirror before getting out.

I decide to call her to see where she is. "Hello?" She sounds confused as she answers the phone.

"I'm here." I smile.

"What?" She whispers in shock.

"The fair. I'm here." I repeat and pull the phone away from my ear as she squeals.

"Okay, we'll meet you at the entrance." She hangs up and I wait about five minutes before Lily, Josh, Elle and her boyfriend are making their way to me.

My eyebrows furrow when I see that Josh has his arm wrapped around Lily's shoulders.

What the fuck?!

I don't know if you guys can tell but I'm losing motivation to write this book, hence why this chapter was really bad. I'm trying to think of ideas for the plot of this book but I am struggling, so please bare with me as I still want you to enjoy reading ❤️

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