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Chapter Nine| Aleksio

My Lily.

The girl I've been in love with since the day I met her.

The girl I was too scared to express my feelings to in case she rejected me.

The girl who invades my mind all day and all night. Her smile, her voice, her sweet personality and her sexy body.

I love her so much.

She really is my life and I needed her to know how I felt.

She looks at me with wide eyes, her mouth open and I can't help but chuckle.

"Lily." I wave my hand in front of her face and she blinks. "Did you hear what I just said, baby?" I whisper and she slowly nods her head.

"You love me more than a friend." She whispers and then avoids eye contact with me. "I do too." My eyes widen at her words.

I feel my heart start to thud in my chest and I grin.

"I've been in love with you literally from the day I met you." She giggles and playfully rolls her eyes.

"You remember the day you met me?" She jokes, raising her eyebrows.

"My dad tells me how you and I were attached to the hip when we met. Apparently I use to cry when you weren't with me." I smile, looking down at my hands.

"Yeah my mum told me how you would be my little bodyguard." She laughs and I look up at her with a small smile.

"You'd force me to sit and watch Princess and the Frog with you. Even when we were thirteen. " I smirk and watch her blush.

"You know that's my favourite film." She lightly hits my arm and looks away in embarrassment. She stays silent for about ten seconds before I watch her take a deep breath. "I'm in love with you too."

"That's good, I wouldn't like to die of embarrassment." I smirk.

"But I'm still mad at you, Aleksio." She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts.

"But you love me." I pout my lips back at her and throw myself at her making her squeal. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her into my chest.

She giggles and looks down at me with a wide smile.

"Are you going to kiss me?" She whispers and I feel the blood travel to my lower region. I look between her doe eyes and plump lips.

I've never been nervous about kissing someone but with my Lily I can feel my heart start to race.

"Y-Yeah." I stutter and she leans in first to my shock.

Where has this bold Lily come from?

I moan when she crashes her soft lips onto mine. I close my eyes and thread my fingers through her thick curls.

She moans into my mouth and I flip us over so I'm on top. I slip my tongue into her mouth and swirl it around hers.

The feeling of her lips against my own makes me feel warm inside.

She then pulls away not before pecking my lips and then smiles down at me.

"I was not expecting all of this to happen." She grins and rolls off of me.

I stare up at the ceiling in shock.

"You know you're mine right." I say, keeping my eyes up.

She shuffles until she's laying on top of me again. I rest my hand on her back and start stroking her smooth skin.

"Haven't I always?" She mumbles tiredly and I nod my head.

"Yeah you have." I whisper and feel myself starting to fall asleep.


I slowly open my eyes and squint when the sun shines through the curtains. I then smile when I feel Lily sleeping on my chest, small snores escaping her lips.

However that smile drops when I see her dad sat in a chair in front of the bed.

I jump, startling Lily awake.

"Aleksio, what the hell?" She mumbles, rubbing her eyes and then she also jumps when she spots her dad. "Dad, what the hell?!" She squeals.

"I'm cutting that tree down." He growls out and stands up. "You, get up." He points at me and I jump out of the bed, thanking the Lord that Lily had a pair of my joggers in her wardrobe.

Kaden stares down at me with a harsh frown on his face.

"Mr Morello." I greet and I watch his face become more red with anger.

"What the fuck are you doing in my daughter's bed?!" He growls out and takes a threatening step towards me but I stand my ground.

"Dad, stop it!" Lily says, jumping out of bed and stands in between the two of us. "He's not a threat dad, why can't you understand this? We've known Aleksio for too long now for you to be angry about him staying here." She reasons with him and I watch as he clenches his jaw.

"There should be no boy in your bed, young lady!" He points his finger to her. "And you, you need to get out right now before I shoot your head off!" He points at me and I slowly nod my head.

"Sorry, Mr Morello." He rolls his eyes and looks back at his daughter.

"Your mum is not talking to me, she's gone out with Elena. So I'm going to need you to cry down the phone." He tells Lily and my eyes widen.

Lily rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest.

"I don't think that's going to work." She mumbles.

"Be downstairs for breakfast and get out Aleksio." He mumbles and leaves the room.

"Well that could have been worse." I release a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

Lily slowly turns to me and smiles. She opens her arms up and I lift her up, cuddling her close to me. I grin, liking how clingy she is with me.

"I'll call you later, baby." I wink and put her down, making my way onto the balcony. "Oh and make sure this tree stays put." I tell her, tapping the bark of the tree.

"Will do." She smiles and then bites her lip. "I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper loud enough for her to hear.


"Where have you been?" I sigh and slowly close the front door.

I turn to face my crazy uncle, Alberto. He crosses his tattooed arms over his chest and looks at me with a worried look on his face.

"I've been out." He rubs the stubble on his tattooed face and sighs in frustration.

"Your dad's awake and his plane lands tonight. I need you suited up because Luciano is holding a meeting, he's got an announcement to make." I clench my jaw and nod my head. "How's Lily?"

"She's good." I mumble. "I'm going to have a shower." I walk past him and make my way up the stairs.

"Love you, little man." He grins and I roll my eyes at the nickname.

"Yeah whatever."

I make it to my bedroom and throw myself onto my bed. I get a notification on my phone and smile when I see it's my girl.

I'm still mad at you by the way and we still need to speak about the last two years. Love you x

I grin and sigh in satisfaction.

My Lily.

Awww how cute 🥺💗

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