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Chapter Eight| Lily

I wake up in the middle of the night to something or someone getting into bed next to me.

I sigh knowing Aleksio would not be able to stay on the floor long enough.

I turn around to face him and catch him pretending to sleep.

"Aleks." I deadpan and he slowly opens one eye. He gives me a small smile.

"The floor was uncomfortable, Lily." He says and curls his arm around my waist.

"Please don't touch me, I'm still mad at you." I pull away from him and just about see him frown.

"Can we talk?" He whispers.

I look at the alarm clock that reads five past four and I sigh again.

"Right now?"

"Please." He pleads, grabbing hold of my hand.


"I missed you. You were the only person that was ever on my mind, my Lily." He gives a small smile and I give him a tight-lipped one.

"You wouldn't have to of missed me if you never left." I shrug my shoulder and he clenches his jaw.

"I know, okay. I should of listened to you." He slowly closes his eyes.

"Did you think it was going to be all flowers and princesses, Aleksio? What did you think you were going into?" I sit up and rest my back against the headboard, feeling myself start to get frustrated.

"I know, fuck, I know." He clutches onto his hair in frustration. "I hate the person I've become." He whispers sadly and I roll my eyes.

"Unbelievable." I mutter, not feeling tired anymore and I get out of bed.

"Lily?" Aleksio sits up and looks at me with a frown. "What's with the attitude?

"You're acting like I didn't tell you not go. You've put yourself in this mess, you can get yourself out!" I find myself yelling and I quickly slap my hand over my mouth.

"Wow. Out of everyone, Lily, I thought you would be there for me." He really is adding fuel to the fire. "You're the only person who has really been by my side, had my back."

"Aleksio. You disappear for two years and then when you do come back you don't even come to visit me. What? Did you think I was going to welcome you back with loving arms?" I raise my eyebrows at him. "I'm sorry to tell you but I'm not that naive Lily you left here two years ago. I've finally grown a back bone."

I watch his eyes widen and then he sits on the edge of the bed.

"Why do I even bother giving out advice if no-one is going to listen to me?" I throw my arms up in frustration and watch Aleksio clench his jaw for like the tenth time already.

"Lily?" I jump when there's a knock on the door. "Princess? You okay?" My dad questions and I bite my lip.

"Yeah.......just on the phone to Elle." I awkwardly say.

"Yeah, I don't believe you. I'm coming in." My eyes widen and I throw myself at Aleksio, pushing him off the bed and shoving him underneath it.

I jump under the duvet just as the door handle begins to turn.

My dad enters with a frown on his face as he looks around my room.

"Great, you made her hang up." I wave my phone around and I watch as he furrows his eyebrows.

"Go to bed, it's four in the morning. Love you." Then he's gone.

I release a sigh of relief and flop back down onto the bed.

"Fuck sake, Lily." Aleksio groans as he crawls out from under the bed.

"Not sorry." I mumble.

"We're not about to have an argument, baby, I refuse." He shakes his head and decides to lay on top of me.

"Aleks, you're heavy!" I groan and he shifts so only half of his body is on me.

"I love you." He whispers and tightens his arms around me. "Say it back." He bites my neck gently and my eyes widen as I jump up in shock.

"Aleks, you just bit my neck!" I whisper in shock and watch him smirk.

He sits up and I follow his actions until we are sat cross-legged, facing each other.

"We'll talk more in the morning about where I've been." He whispers and I nod my head.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." I mumble and start to play with a loose thread on my duvet.

After a couple of minutes, Aleksio decides to break the silence.

"So, had any boyfriends since I've been gone?" He smirks.

I nod my head.

His smirk drops.

"What? Who?"

"Just some guy at my uni, didn't really work out." I shrug and he slowly nods his head.

"Did you fuck each other?" I choke on my spit and look at him in shock.

"Would it matter if we did?" I raise my eyebrows and I watch him clench his jaw.

"Just answer the question, Lily."

"Yes." He bites his lip and looks away from me.  "What's the big deal? I don't act like this when you have sex with every girl you lay eyes on."

His eyes snap to mine. "Did you love each other?" I sigh and lean back.

What is with all these questions?

"No. Aleks, why are you asking all this? Did you have a girlfriend back in Albania?" I'm shocked when he shakes his head.

"Had a different girl in my head." He mumbles to the point where I can just about hear him.

"And who is the girl that has invaded your mind." I smirk.

"You, Lily. It was you."

This time my smirk drops.

"What?" I whisper.

"Being away from you has made me realise something." He looks down at his lap and nibbles on his bottom lip.

"W-What have you realised?" I stutter, feeling my heart start to race.

"I'm in love with you, Lily. I love you more than a best friend."

Oh my God.

"My heart stops when you look at me and I'm scared of losing you."

Oh my fucking God.

And the confession is out. 😂💗

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