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Chapter Six| Lily

Two years later

"Happy Birthday, Lily!" Everyone beams and I smile brightly at all of my friends and family.

I'm now twenty and I've just finished my second year at uni and now I have the whole summer to enjoy.

My mum cries as I blow out my candles, so my dad tries to comfort her as much as possible.

"My baby won't stop growing!" She cries out and everyone laughs.

"Love you mama." I smile at her and she blows me a kiss.

"What about me?" My dad playfully pouts and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, love you too." He winks and then Elle appears next to me.

"We need to start getting ready!" She beams and I smile getting excited about our night out.

We make our way to my bedroom and start getting ready. I keep checking my phone and I hear Elle sigh behind me, I turn to face her and bite my lip.

"Lily, he's not coming back." She gives me a sad smile and I nod, looking away.

"I know." I whisper sadly. "I just would have appreciated even a text message."

"Fuck him, Lily. He lied to you, he said he'd be gone for a year but where is he?"

"Yes, that's right! F-him!" I start to do my make-up, forgetting about the boy who was constantly invading my mind, even after two years.


"Happy birthday, Lily!" I jump in shock when I walk into the club with Elle. I look at her in shock and she smiles.

"Happy birthday, bestie!" She pulls me into a hug and I hug her back just as tight.

"Thank you!" I pull away and we both grin at each other.

"Let's get a drink!" She beams, running off to the bar.

"Lils!" I turn around and smile brightly when I spot Josh making his way over.

He took my advice and got himself into a football academy, he's doing so well and I couldn't be more proud of him.

"Josh!" I reach up and wrap my arms around him.

"Happy birthday, sweet thing!" He pulls back and winks. "Got you this." He pulls out a velvet box and I open it up to see a pair of diamond earrings.

"Josh, this must of been so expensive!" I look up at him with wide eyes and he shrugs. "Thank you!" I pull him into a hug again and then he sighs.

I pull back with a frown. "I also got something else but it's not from me." Josh shows me another velvet box but this one is larger than the one he gave me.

I open the box up and feel my eyes begin to water as I see a rose gold necklace with the initial 'A'.

I suddenly become confused.

"You've been in contact with him?" I look up at the tall boy with wide eyes and I watch him bite his lip. I tilt my head and furrow my eyebrows. "H-How long has he been back, Josh?"

"A couple months." I stumble back and begin to rub my chest with my hand. I look up at Josh, hurt by the fact that he knew Aleksio was back this whole time.

"Why hasn't he come to see me?" I decide not to cry because over the past couple of years I have realised that Aleksio does not deserve my tears.

"Let's go somewhere a bit more quieter, Lily." Josh grabs my hand and then leads us to the smoking area. My nose scrunches up at the smell of stale smoke. We go to stand by a wooden bench and then Josh begins to speak.

"Aleksio is in a really bad way, Lily. When he was over in Albania his dad got shot." I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand.

"H-He's not dead is he?" I breathe out and release a sigh of relief when Josh shakes his head.

"But he is in a coma, he's still over there. Aleksio flew back a couple months ago but he's being really distant. I'm worried about him." He rubs the light stubble on his face and then begins to play with the chain around his neck.

"You said he's in a really bad way."

"Drinking." He slowly nods. "Lots of drinking, every time I've been with him he's always been drunk. I don't know what happened to him out there but it's fucked him up good."

"Is he part of you know what?" I question discreetly.

"All I know is he's living with his scary looking uncle. That man is covered in tattoos and I'm talking face as well!" Josh shudders but I feel my heart clench.

My Aleksio is so broken.

So broken I don't even think I can help him anymore.

"I did tell him about your surprise birthday party. His eyes always brighten when I speak about you, Lily." I smile at his words.

"I miss him a lot." I whisper and Josh gives me a sad smile and pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay, Lily." He tells me, rubbing my back. "You've still got me though!" I giggle into his chest.

"Let's go have fun!" I beam and pull him back into the building.


'Happy birthday dear Lily! Happy birthday to you!'

Everyone cheers as I blow out my candles for the second time today. I smile at everyone and begin to walk back over to the bar, except my walk is more of a wobble.

Josh and Elle help me walk. "I love my two besties!" I squeal in Josh's ear and watch him flinch.

"Lily, I told your dad I'd get you home in one piece." He chuckles.

"Okay, I'll have one more drink!" I clap my hands and order a porn star martini.

As I'm waiting for my drink I feel Josh tense beside me.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I turn my head and follow his stare and all of a sudden my body becomes sober.

I watch as Aleksio stumbles through the crowd of people. He throws people dirty looks when he bumps into them and then he reaches the three of us.

My heart flutters when his hazy eyes come in contact with mine and a lazy smile etches onto his face as he stumbles forward a little.

"Happy birthday, baby girl."

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