4. Feast

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Thorfinn POV:

A couple of days have passed since Ragnar's untimely death, and Thorfinn noticed that Prince Canute seemed stronger and fiercer than ever. His previous cowardliness and shyness had vanished, and now he was befitting to be a king. Canute had managed to ally with Askeladd and Thorkell, using powerful words and promises. Because of this, Thorfinn had no choice but to follow Canute in his quest to overthrow King Sweyn and take the crown for himself. He was officially assigned to be Canute's guard. Thorfinn protested against it out loud to Askeladd, but deep down inside, he enjoyed protecting the prince. 

Thorfinn, Askeladd, Thorkell, and Prince Canute were sailing together on a ship, on their way to Denmark in order to take the throne. Thorfinn leaned against the side wall of the boat, overlooking the glistening blue ocean. He stared at the calm sea, the blueness of it reminding him of Canute's eyes. His heart skipped a beat at the thought of Canute's diamond eyes staring down at him, with a kind gentle smile. It made his heart melt, and Thorfinn's cheeks reddened. What am I thinking?  Thorfinn was confused about Canute, and what he meant to him. Some days he was glad to have a boy his age to talk to... a friend. Other days, he preferred avoiding Canute because seeing him made him feel weird inside. Thorfinn didn't understand what the feeling was, and he didn't want to look like a fool in front of Canute. Thorfinn came to the conclusion that he deeply wanted to impress Canute, and look cool to him. He wants Canute to see him as his guard, someone who he can latch on to for safety, someone who is willing to protect the prince from the horrors of the world. He didn't know why, he just felt the urge in his heart.

"What are you thinking?" A familiar sweet voice from behind, asked. Thorfinn turned around and saw that it was Canute, his hair tied back with a bandanna over his head. Thorfinn couldn't help but think that Canute always looks attractive with his long pale hair tied back. Canute was also wearing a red tunic that clearly made him look like royalty.

"Why do you care?" Thorfinn grumpily replied, turning away to look at the sea to hide the blush that was forming on his face. Canute chuckled, and leaned against the side of the boat, next to Thorfinn. That damned laugh. Thorfinn thought to himself, clenching his fists and mentally telling his body to stop heating up.

Canute turned his head to look at Thorfinn. Thorfinn noticed this shift in movement and continued staring at the sea, not wanting to make eye contact. "When do you want me to teach you English?" Canute asked, his breezy voice matching the wind.

Thorfinn sighed and turned to face Canute. "I suppose sometime later this week." Thorfinn replied, the calm wind blowing through both of their hair, and the waves down below. "Though, aren't you busy queening?"

Canute lightly punched Thorfinn on his arm. Thorfinn gulped, realizing this is the first time they touched. Canute's milky skin brushed against Thorfinn's ragged leather tunic. "Stop it with your over done jokes." Canute laughed.

"That was a genuine question, princess." Thorfinn said, giving Canute a smug smirk.

Canute clicked his tongue. "I can make room for a lesson or two. Or I can arrange for Denmark's best scholar to teach you."

"No. I want you to teach me." Thorfinn said, looking directly into Canute's diamond eyes.

Canute pursed his rosy pink lips into a small smirk. "Oh. I thought you were opposed of the idea at first, Thorfinn."

"I was, but now I realize, I truly do want to learn English." Thorfinn said, turning to look at the calm sea again.

"Why?" Canute pressed, wanting to know more since Thorfinn rarely ever talks much.

Thorfinn hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether he should tell Canute or not. He stayed facing the sea, all the while saying, "I want to understand what an old lady I met was saying." He said, referring to the English woman who took him in and cared for him when he was 10. Thorfinn had been set out on a mission by Askeladd to give out a signal when it was a good time to raid the nearby village, and that's where he met the woman. It pained him when he had to leave the woman alone while her home was being raided. He even tried speaking in English to her, warning her to run away. Now, Thorfinn at least wanted to understand all the words she was saying to him prior to the event. All the kind, caring words.

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