18. Family (FINAL)

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Canute POV:

They had been married for a couple of months now. Canute has been having a wealthy and satisfying reign so far while Thorfinn has been thoroughly enjoying married life with Canute. They went on fun journeys together, Thorfinn taught Canute how to handle a bow and arrow, and they did many other things.

One day, they were on one of these journeys. Thorfinn and Canute were traveling with Canute's men across the country. The King wanted to visit every single town in Denmark and greet his subjects. They were on their way to a nearby port city, which was their fifth destination.

Thorfinn hopped off the ship first. Once he landed, he turned around and outstretched his arms. Canute jumped into Thorfinn's arms and Thorfinn placed his King safely on the ground. "This is like our honeymoon." Thorfinn whispered in Canute's ear.

Canute looked up at his husband and blushed profusely. "Yes, it is!" Canute giggled, swiping his golden bangs off his eyes. He gave Thorfinn a quick peck on the lips.

As they began walking through the port city, villagers lined up and bowed to their King and his husband. Canute waved to his people as Thorfinn held his hand, with his free hand on his sheathed short sword like always, just in case.

Soon they approached an area of the village that was quite rural and impoverished compared to the rest of the lively area. Canute exchanged a wary glance with Thorfinn, as they walked further, inspecting the area. "I'll tell my men to give this area of the town a couple ponds of gold. That should help." Canute said, as they turned around the corner.

Suddenly, Canute's blue eyes landed on a row of starving children leaning against shaggy houses. They barely had any food to eat and looked like they hadn't been cleansed in days. Canute rushed towards the kids, his worried thoughts getting the better of him. He felt Thorfinn wrap his hands around his wrists, halting him.

"Wait! Canute, be careful." Thorfinn warned, his eyes wide with alarm.

Canute pouted his lips and shook his head. "Look at these poor children, Thorfinn." He said, gesturing towards the starving kids. Thorfinn sighed and allowed Canute to talk to the kids, following him closely.

Canute kneeled down on the ground and held one of the kid's hands. The kid had black hair and dirt was smeared all over his pale face. "Hi, cutie." Canute whispered, warmly. "Where's your mother?" He asked, kindly. The kid looked up at him but didn't respond. He just nibbled his fingers as his stomach growled.

Thorfinn sat down next to Canute and picked the boy. "He is cute." Thorfinn stated, nonchalantly. Canute blushed as Thorfinn ruffled the boy's hair. There was something so wonderful about seeing Thorfinn with a kid, it warmed his heart. Thorfinn picked up the kid and placed him on his lap.

After a moment of hesitation, Thorfinn and Canute began playing with the kid. The boy couldn't speak Norse, or any language for that matter, so they communicated through expressions. Canute made silly faces to get the boy to laugh, while Thorfinn fed him and the other kids the loafs of bread they had brought with them. The experience was heartwarming for Canute and he couldn't resist leaving the children for a second. "Thorfinn, please! Let me take them to the center of town with me." Canute pleaded, carrying the dark haired boy on his back.

Thorfinn sighed and gave in, since Canute was making his special puppy eyes that Thorfinn couldn't resist. "Whatever... you're the King, anyway. You get to decide." He said, putting on a tough exterior, although Canute could tell that he didn't want to part from the children either.

As they marched into town with all the children, Canute declared that he would be donating many pounds of gold to the poor people of the village. This included the orphan children, as Canute wanted to give them a home they could live in. They decided to use the money to build houses for the children and give them enough food to sustain themselves. Canute's men obliged, and the people of the village cheered.

Soon, it was time for Canute and Thorfinn to leave since it was getting dark. As they walked away, Canute looked at the ground, a look of despair on his face. Thorfinn noticed, and held Canute's hand. "Babe, don't be sad. You gave those children a home." Thorfinn said, and Canute nodded his head, knowing that he was right. However, he still couldn't shake off the feeling of emptiness in his heart. He felt like he was missing something... or someone.

Suddenly, Canute felt a tug on the end of his red sleeve. He abruptly turned around and saw that it was the dark haired boy who was trying to get his attention. Canute kneeled down to get to the boy's height and smiled at him, rubbing his hair. "Hey, little one. Why aren't you going to your new home?" He asked, smiling at him.

The boy shook his head and clutched onto Canute, hugging him and refusing to let go. "He likes you." Thorfinn said, chuckling. Canute grinned and nodded his head, his heart flooding with warmth and happiness. Thorfinn kneeled down beside the boy and rubbed his back, affectionately. What Thorfinn said next surprised Canute. "We should adopt him."

Canute looked at Thorfinn and widened his eyes. "What? Are you serious?" He sputtered, in shock.

Thorfinn nodded his head and gave Canute a grin. "Of course. I think that's what he wants too." Thorfinn stated, smiling at the boy. "He could be our own child." Thorfinn said, softly.

Canute smiled widely, loving that idea. "Yes!!" He exclaimed, happily.

Thorfinn laughed and so did the little boy, since he started jumping in excitement, despite the fact that he didn't understand what the two men were saying. "What should we name him?" Thorfinn wondered out loud.

Canute thought deeply for a moment. "Thors."

Thorfinn POV:

A year passed by but it felt like a week. Their little son, Thors, had began living with their fathers, Thorfinn and King Canute. He began speaking fluent Norse, as Canute spent many hours teaching him. It reminded Thorfinn of how Canute used to teach him English, with tons of boring but remarkable lessons. Thorfinn would spend time with Thors outside in the field, and he taught him how to handle a wooden sword. Ever since Thors arrived in their life, everything became so much more wholesome and pleasant. Canute made room in his schedule to care and play with his son, along with Thorfinn.

Today, they were sitting in the middle of the grassy field outside the palace. Thorfinn and Canute sat side by side, holding hands as they watched their little boy run around the field. Thors suddenly began running towards his fathers, and plopped down beside them. "Daddy!!" He exclaimed, his bubbly face brightening any room he walked in.

Thorfinn leaned forward and patted the boy's head. "What is it, sweetie?" He asked, blissfully. Canute chuckled lightly beside him, watching their boy with adoring eyes.

"I love you!" He screamed, jumping up to hug both of them. They both tumbled onto the grass, holding their boy. As they laid on the grass with Thors giggling in between them, Thorfinn reached his hand and held Canute's precious face.

"And I love both of you!" Thorfinn said, an elated grin plastered on his face.


a/n: Thanks to everyone who read and supported my story! It means so much to me, and I love you all! More BL and Yaoi fanfics are coming, so stay tuned! xoxo

a/n: Thanks to everyone who read and supported my story! It means so much to me, and I love you all! More BL and Yaoi fanfics are coming, so stay tuned! xoxo

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