15. Everyone Finds Out

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Canute POV:

Canute was on his horse, riding through the grassy fields outside the royal palace. His royal guards were behind him, and Thorfinn was beside him on his own horse. Canute had errands and tasks to complete today, so he decided to bring Thorfinn along with him. Askeladd also came on the journey, because he desperately needed something to do. Canute had to travel to a nearby village, and make alliances with the village chief. Winter was soon approaching, and his people needed good food to survive the harsh season.

His hair was up in a high ponytail, and he was wearing a light jacket since it wasn't extremely cold today. The leaves on the trees around them were colorful and bright, and so was Canute. He was enjoying this time with Thorfinn, and he really wanted to show the boy how much he's grown since the last time he tried to form an alliance.

"Is your horse giving you any trouble, Thorfinn?" Canute asked, looking over to the boy that was a couple of meters away from him.

Thorfinn shook his head. "Nope." He replied, giving Canute a grin. He clearly knew that Canute made sure his servants gave him the healthiest horse in the stables.

Canute returned the smile and chuckled. He looked forward and saw Askeladd, who was galloping far ahead, lost in his own world. Or maybe he was enjoying the spectacular view. Past the grassy fields Canute and Thorfinn are currently on, are tall colorful trees and a bright blue lake that shimmered in the sunlight. Beyond the lake is their desired destination, a small port city that has extremely rich harvests.

"Are you sure you'll be able to make this alliance?" Thorfinn asked. "Last time, you couldn't even say a word." Thorfinn added, teasing Canute.

Canute rolled his eyes. "I'm a changed man." He announced, straightening his back and tightening his grip on the horse's reins. "I'll be able to do this without a problem." Canute said, proudly.

Thorfinn looked at him and shook his head, in disbelief. "You haven't changed that much... You're still the same shy princess I met almost a year ago." He remarked, snickering to himself.

"I am not!" Canute said, turning to look at Thorfinn and give him a joking glare. Thorfinn smirked and gave Canute a wink in return, causing Canute to immediately blush.

"See!" Thorfinn exclaimed, pointing at Canute's cheeks and laughing. "You really haven't changed." Thorfinn said laughing louder as Canute hid his face with his hands, extremely embarrassed.

Soon the group arrived at the village. Thorfinn and Canute walked in silence through the lively village. They passed the greengrocer with his window full of apples and oranges, and the butcher with his bloody lumps of meat on display and naked chickens hanging up, and the small bank, and then they arrived at the center of the town where it was the most full of life. Villagers were rushing in and out of shops and scurrying through the narrow paths.

Canute tried his best to resist the urge to hold Thorfinn's hand as they walked. He was so used to walking with him through the palace gardens, while holding his firm hands. It felt unusual to not be touching Thorfinn at all times, but Canute had to stop himself, since many of his men were with them today. Instead, Canute glanced towards the top of Thorfinn's head a couple of times, his scruffy blonde hair giving him comfort during this nerve wrecking moment.

Askeladd suddenly approached Canute. "Oi, Your Highness." He called, tapping his shoulder. "I found the village chief for you." Askeladd informed Canute. Canute nodded his head and followed Askeladd. "You better make this quick, Your Highness. I'm extremely thirsty for the wine this village is famous for!" Askeladd said, placing his hands on his hips.

Canute nodded his head and laughed. "Yes, I know how angry you get when you don't drink at least ten cups of wine daily." Canute remarked, and Askeladd chuckled in response.

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