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[Update: APR 2024]

Hi Hi Your Friendly Neighborhood Author here!

This book is --- counts --- ten years old. Which is insane . . . But nonetheless, this baby is being rewritten ENTIRELY and with be rebirthed APRIL 2024.

As you proceed, do keep in mind this book is OLD; the writing is bearable but not; the plot is there but not plotting how I intended but I give myself grace. I was thirteen and this was all based on a crazy dream I had one night.

If you're a returning reader, come April there will be familiar drama but a remix on the original four books. If you're new, there were originally four books and I'm going to make the executive decision to mix it all together and make the best of four pieces of this world... universe... IDK but! It'll be shiny and new but more importantly! Well written!

I know this story has undergone SEVERAL revisions but this is it babes! Ten year anniversary we are going to do the damn thing! For real!


Lastly, thank you all for taking an interest in this story and being patient with everything. New and old friends. Thank you. Sincerely.

All further updates from here on out will be on my page in the community or conversation space! I think that's what it's called. . . so much has changed.

Love you,
Your Little Dreaming Author AJ

Having Two Mates {2017}Where stories live. Discover now