1) Impossible to mistake

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Katsuki's P.O.V.


The U.A. entrance exam. The test that will prove that I can become the number 1 hero. I was excited to say the least, but as usual I made my regular angry face to cover it up.

The horn sounded to let us begin, and the doors opened up. Everyone dashed inside, some people got in faster because of their quirks or whatever. The plan that I made up five minutes prior was simple. (Wow good job Katsuki, you actually made a plan for once in your life) I was just going to ignore everyone, tune out, no distractions. 

'Now, let's ace this exam' I thought to myself, as I was looking around for the first robot to taste my awesome explosions. Just then a one-pointer rounded the corner and started to go for me. 'Perfect.' I thought to myself as I readied my explosions for an attack.

*Time skip* 8 minutes later


I had just blown a  hole through a three-pointer when I saw her. 

I tried to look away, telling myself internally that I had to follow the plan. But, I couldn't stop glancing over at her.

She had curly dark green hair pulled into a ponytail with a white bow,a pink and white nurses dress, white leggings, black knee pads, and cute pink boots. (The cover photo minus the black cape, if you were confused.) She was kneeling down, helping a girl who had tripped over a piece of rubble. Even though she had her back turned to me I knew exactly who she was. 

I immediately turned my head to look the other way while blasting the two-pointer that had gotten dangerously close to me while I was staring at her. I continued to fight while my mind was racing about who I had just seen.  

'Why is she here?' I thought to myself. 'She moved away five years ago, how is she here? Why did she look so beautiful?'

I paused to think about that last question and blushed.

'No,' I thought. 'I don't even know if it is her, I just saw the back of  some random girls head and assumed it was her. No need to freak out.'  I kept telling myself that over and over that it wasn't her for the whole last minute of the exam knowing that the guilt might come back.

But in my heart I knew that I was lying to myself. 

I mean it's Izuka Midoriya that I saw.

She's impossible to mistake for someone else.


And that's it that's the end of the first piece trash that I have created! 

Thank you for actually reading this chapter all the way to the end.

Sorry that it's a short chapter, I ran out of ideas on how to make it longer. I will try to make the other chapters longer.

I hope you will continue reading whatever is in store for this book.

Peace out dudes!

- Author 

Words: 498

The nurse hero; Lady Nightingale (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now