The First Date

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I just got out of the shower to get ready for my date with Regina tonight. I put on my boxers and decided to wear a black t-shirt with tiny red ships on it with black dress shorts and black boat shoes. It's six twenty so I walk out of my house and get in my car to drive to the beach. I arrive at the beach and see Regina in a loose black dress sitting on top of a black Mercedes Benz.

"Nice car it's very beautiful but not as beautiful as it's the driver," I say with a smirk she laughs

"Why thank you, Emma, you look stunning." she holds out her hand "shall we take a walk or just stand here talking" she smirks. I take her hand and we began to walk on the beach "so Emma tell me about yourself"

"Oh well, I was a foster kid. I got moved around a lot, not a lot of good foster homes in New York so I ran away a lot having to find different ways to get money so I can eat it was hard."

"Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that Emma I can't imagine what that was like for you," she says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"It's alright a nice family named the Nolans took me in and put me back and school and gave me a good home. I actually got to feel like a normal teenager for a while."

"The Nolan's are their names, Mary Margaret and David?"

"Yeah, how did you know, "I asked,

"They're friends with my parents, they used to go to high school together."

"They did tell me that they lived here and decided to move. They wanted something more fast-paced than a small town where everybody knows everybody."

"I get it, a small town isn't always meant for everybody," she says. We decided to sit down in the sand and talk more."So how was your high school experience, Emma." She said while putting her hand on my thigh.

"Well it was ok I played baseball so I was popular but I kept my head down and did my school work. I wasn't into parties and acting like I was better than everyone because I wasn't."

"Why did you do baseball instead of softball," she asks with a questioning look on her face."Well, I'm intersex so I have a male reproductive system so I have a lot of testosterone in my bloodstream sorry if that freaks you out."

"No I'm not freaked out," she says with a smile and lightly squeezes my thigh.


"So were you any good at baseball?"

"Yeah, I was a top recruit in my class lots of D1 scholarships."

"Did you take any of them?"

"No, I decided not to go. I was already taking college classes and ended up with an associate's degree and a high school diploma."

"Wow, that's amazing how old are you?" she asked.

"I'm nineteen I turn twenty in May."

"Wow I'm twenty-three"

"Oh wow um what about you I want to hear about Regina Mills." She laughs.

"Well, I was a cheerleader, top of my class academically, and wasn't a party going, person. I was too focused on my grades and ended up being valedictorian."

"Wow how about any relationships," I asked,

"No relationships I wasn't really thinking about dating I was in my own little bubble."

"Interesting so are you in a relationship now," I asked hoping she would say no.

"Emma I wouldn't be here if I was in a relationship." She laughs and lightly hits my shoulder

"What about you? Are you in a relationship Emma?" She asks with a chuckle.

"No, I'm not in a relationship." It's getting late and cold. It's eleven so we get in Regina's car.

"So I had fun tonight," I say with a toothy grin

"So did I Emma" there's a moment of silence we're both just staring into each other's eyes. She begins to come closer to my face and.

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