It's Almost Time

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*A few months later*

It's been a few months since Regina said yes to my proposal. In those few mores, a lot has happened. Our relationship has gotten stronger and so has our boys. Staying home with each other is amazing. It makes me happy all the time. Not to mention the boys are amazing but a handful. Mateo and Henry have their own personalities. Henry is a mama's boy but Mateo is all mine. He never wants to be away from me and it's so cute.

"Hey, Regina let's go to the park and have a picnic with the boys."

"That is going to be chaos." She laughs.

"It won't, The boys will be in their playpen with Eric to keep them company." I push her on the bed and get on top of her leaning in for a kiss but stop teasing her. "And I'll keep you company."

"That sounds amazing. How about you show me a preview" She said in a seductive tone. She rubs her hand over my bulge.

"Your wish is my command."

We lay down on the bed out of breath covered in sweat. "Wow Em that was amazing."

"It really was even, I'm tired out." The boys start to cry in their room.

"I'll get the bottles," Regina says

"I got the little humans." I hear her laugh at me as I leave. "Hey, my little princes." I pick them up and change both of them. After I'm done I head back to our bedroom. Henry instantly reaches for Regina "Wow I guess I'm just chopped liver." He gives me a smile showing off his little teeth. "Well, at least I know Mateo wants me. Isn't that right buddy." He gives me a smile. Regina and I put the boys back to sleep after feeding them and go to sleep as well.

*The next day*

"Diaper bag, pacifiers, sunscreen, and leash," I say out loud

"Check, check, check, and check. My love, we have everything, let's go." She chuckles

We get to the park and set up everything. The boys are taken care of and Eric is entertaining them. They are in love with Eric and he is in love with them too. As we are eating our food the thought of our wedding was on my mind. "So finally, our fittings are tomorrow. Are you excited?"

"Very excited it means our wedding is getting closer and closer."

"Yep closer to you being my wife," I say, giving her a kiss. I start to deepen the kiss, putting myself in between Regina's legs. "Fuck Emma." The taste of her lips is making loose control. I put my hands up her shirt and rub my thumb on her nipples causing her to moan. Not even a few minutes later. "Papi." I look up "Papi." says Mateo and Henry. My eyes light up and I jump up in the air. "Yess! Ha, I was first. They said Papi first! Come here, my big boys." For the rest of the day, I was bragging to Regina cause I'm the favorite obviously. I put the boys in their crib and go to the bedroom. Regina is laying on the bed with a book in her hand. I am in the bed and she puts her head on my chest. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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