The Big Reveal

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*The next morning*

I woke up to Regina not beside me which was confusing. I sit up and see that she's on her laptop at the desk in our hotel room.

"Hey sleepyhead I thought you were never going to wake up" She laughs.

"Well I was very tired from last night," I smirk

"It was a very nice night. What do you want to do before we leave?"

"We could go shopping, maybe find something for me to give to your parents so they will hate me less."

"They aren't going to hate you I promise."

"If you say so." I get up to walk to the shower and I hear a loud gasp come from Regina.

"What is it?"

"Emma your back is bleeding !"

"Don't worry about it. It happens all the time when we have sex." I say nonchalantly.

"Does it hurt?"

"I little but I like it, sex injuries are the best type of injuries"I wink.

I walk to the bathroom and start the shower. The water is nice and hot, I turn around and it burns my back making me wince. Regina hops in a few moments later.

" What a shower buddy?" she said with a cute smile.

"If it's you most definitely."

We start to wash each other's bodies. The way the soap flows off Regina is so beautiful. She looks like a goddess in my eyes. I'm glad she's all mine, she's perfect I wonder how I got so lucky to have her. After we get out of the shower we get dressed. I put on some black slim-fit sweatpants and a hoodie since it was cold outside. Regina has a form-fitting red dress with knee-high boots and her wool coat.

"You look like the mayor everywhere you go" I chuckle

"Well, I'm surprised you're dressed down for once. A hoodie and sweatpants who are you and where is my girlfriend?" She laughs.

"Haha very funny come on let's go silly goose." We check out of the hotel and get our car to drive to some stores. I see a nice looking store that sells dress clothes. It would be nice to get some more dress shirts. I'm sure Regina would like some new dresses.

"Do you want to try this store?"

"Yeah, it looks nice." We walk in and are immediately greeted by a store clerk.

"Welcome, can I help you find anything?"

"No, I'm just looking at some shirts, Gina. Do you need any help?"

"Yes could you show me some dresses for the office"

"Sure thing ma'am right this way." She gestures.

I start looking at shirts and blazers. I want to look nice for this dinner with Regina's parents. After looking I got a few shirts that fit very comfortably. I'm going to wear this dark wine red dress shirt with black pants and a blazer. I wonder if they have jewelry here? I go look for Regina and the clerk. Regina is in this stunning blue dress and a black blazer with white trimming on it.

"Wow Gina you look breathtaking," I say hypnotized.

"Aww thank you love" She blushes.

"I was just wondering if you guys have jewelry," I ask the clerk.

"Yes, in fact, we do I'll show you when I'm finished with your wife"

A look of shock is on me and Regina's face followed by a big smile trying to stop our laughter from going out. After Regina was done we went to the jewelry and I picked out an all-black diamond watch and an all-black vvs diamond necklace. Regina gets some earrings, a necklace, and an anklet. I pay for all of our things but I have one more question for the clerk. "Do you know any good baby shops around here?"

"Yes, actually there is a shop right next door."

"Thank you"

We go next door and get a cute little onesie and a rattle. After that, we drive back to Storybrooke to get ready for dinner with Regina's.

*At the house*

I'm getting ready and I'm so nervous that my hands are shaking. I couldn't even put on my cufflinks. Regina grabs my hands "Baby calm down it will be ok just take a deep breath and relax."

"Ok."I take a deep breath "Alright let's go."

*At Gina's parent's house*

"Are you ready?" She asked me grabbing my hand. I give her a reassuring smile. The door opens and her mom is at the door.

"Regina sweetheart how are you." She pulls her in for a hug. "And you must be Emma nice to meet you, dear." She pulls me in for a hug

"Hello it's nice to meet you, Miss Mills"

"Oh call me Cora and I see that you brought wine how nice of you"

"I hope you like it."

We start having dinner and the energy is great. Her parents love me. They thought it was nice that I didn't like alcohol and like that I was the sheriff.

"Mom, Dad, me and Emma have to tell you something."

"What is it, honey?" Her dad asks

"Well you guys are going to be grandparents"

"Wow that's a lot to take in Regina, Emma are you ready for a baby you're so young. Regina, you know better to be careful."

"We were careful mom, it was an accident."

"I think I'll be a good parent but I don't think you're ever ready for your first kid."

"Well we support you two but we do wish you guys were married"

"I understand."

After that conversation, we continued with dinner and left to go home. "Well, that went well."

"I told you my parents would love you."

"You were right goodnight." I give her a kiss and we cuddle till we both fall asleep.

*A few months later*

The day is the day we go to the doctor to find out the gender of our baby. Regina's baby bump is so amazing I'm always talking to our little peanut and kissing him or her. This is the day I've been waiting for. Regina and I get ready and leave when we get there and the doctor is already ready for us so we walk right in.

"Are you two ready"

"Yes, but can you write the gender on a piece of paper please,"

"I thought we were going to find out now Em."

"I have you a surprise for us trust me you'll love it I promise."

"Ok, I trust you."

We finished our appointment and we go back to work but I go to a shop that's going to help me with the reveal. I couldn't stop thinking about it all day. The end of the day rolled around and it was time to get it from the shop. I get home late so it's night time.

"Hey, babe long day?"

"Yeah how about we take a bath together"

"I would love that."

We get in the bath and soak to relax. I have my hands caressing her baby bump. I love feeling my child move.

"So when are you going to give me the surprise"

"I think this is the right time." I take out the white bath bomb and put it in both of our hands. "Are you ready Regina tonight is going to change their lives forever?"

"I'm ready my love". She gives me a kiss. We lower our hands in the water then it changes color. Blue.

"I told you we were having a prince," I say with tears running down my face.

"You were right my love"

"Hey buddy I knew you were a boy. Your mamà thought I was wrong," I say to my son.

"I love you, Gina"

"I love too Em"

Let me know what you want the baby to call Emma. Do you want dad names or mom names? let me know in the comments.  

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