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I wake up with my arms around Regina's waist. I smile because she looks so beautiful when she's sleeping. I look at my clock. It's 7:30. Shit, my alarm didn't go off. I'm going to be late for work! "Regina wake up," I say while shaking her shoulder. She whines then turns over

"What stop shaking me?" She groans.

"I'm going to be late for work."

"What time is it?" She asked while wiping her eyes.

"It's 7:35," I said turning on my shower and getting in.

"Fuck I'm going to be late too let me get in the shower with you."

"Hurry up," I say as she gets in and I help her lather up in soap and then I get out before I get a boner. I rushed putting on my uniform and ran downstairs to the door.

"Regina I gotta go. I'm leaving the spare house key on the coffee table bye!" I shouted on my way out of the door. I get into the station just in time to be briefed on the frequent crimes that happen in the town.

I met everybody at the station. They all seem like very nice people. I'm looking forward to working with them. I go to my new office and fill out some god awful paperwork that I have to turn into the mayor for our meeting today. I hope she's nice. Everybody in the station says she's a hard ass. I get done with the paperwork and drive to the Mayor's office. I head to the reception desk. "Hey, I'm the new sheriff. I have a meeting with the Mayor today."

"Hold on I'll see if she's ready for you" She talks into her earpiece and tells me I can go in. I walk in and see that the mayor is looking at some paperwork. She looks up and we stared at each other for what felt like hours. "Holy shit I had sex with the mayor"

"I lost my virginity to the sheriff."

"I had sex with my boss." I sit down in a chair in front of her "How come you didn't tell me you were the mayor," I say.

"How come you didn't tell me you were the new sheriff."

"You didn't ask," I say.

"Neither did you now look where we are," she said, putting her head in her hands.

"So what do we do now Regina" She looks up at me and.

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