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Peter and Megan got home, not even realizing how fast the time had gone by today. The days went by quickly almost always, so they weren't all too shocked that it was already nighttime.

"Well, that was a day, huh?" Megan laughed as they entered the apartment. She plopped onto the couch, then Peter followed, sitting down next to her and letting out a groan since he was still in pain from earlier.

"I'd call it more than a day." Peter chuckled. "Today felt like a week."

"I know. This shit makes me mental." She giggled, then took her boyfriends hand. "In all seriousness, are you okay? Do I have to nurse you back to health?"

"Don't worry about me." He smiled. "I'll be fine by tomorrow."

"I do worry about you, you know." Megan frowned. "You need a break."

"I'll have my break once this is all over." Peter sighed. At this point, he couldn't rest knowing that the Green Goblin was still out there. He had to know who it was, and so did Megan. They would do all that they could to find who, even it required risking their lives.

"You always say you'll take a break but never do it." She said, calling him out.

"Trust me, this time I definitely will." He replied, grabbing her hand tightly. Peter knew that one day he would settle and marry Megan, but now was just not the same. She knew that as well, and she was willing to wait for it despite how impatient she gets with pretty much everything, but he was worth it.



"Hey, can I ask you something?" Megan questioned.

"Of course." Peter nodded.

"Since Norman is basically on all of our minds right now, do you think about Harry a lot?" She asked. The mention of Harry brought up memories for everyone, but Peter never forgot about him.

"I think about him all the time." He sighed. "All the shit we did in college, trying and failing to set him up with MJ, you name it. I really miss him."

"He'll come back to us one day. I know it." Megan assured him, although like everyone else, she slowly lost hope for their friend.

"I replay the explosion in my mind almost everyday." Peter said. "It's like a horror movie."


Flashback, One Year Ago

Peter was used to fighting enemies. It was his day job, after all, but today was unlike the others. His former professor, Doctor Otto Octavius, now Doctor Octopus, or Doc Ock if you will, was now considered an enemy. Once creating mechanical arms that could take him anywhere, his mind altered for the worse, turning him into a villain, and he could never turn back. Peter thought he could prevent it, but fate is a pain in the ass, and this was living proof.

"Otto, come on! Let me help you!" Peter begged, blocking all of Otto's hits but just barely.

"Silence!" Otto yelled at the top of his lungs, swinging one of his mechanical arms and breaking through glass buildings. Right now a timer was ticking for a bomb to go off at one of the main Oscorp facilities, and Peter was trying his very best to stop both the timer and Otto.

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