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Everyone's guesses were right. Doc Ock creeped up onto the side of the building, letting out a sinister laugh that left chills down their spines. He was clearly being used to stop them from trying anything on Harry, but they weren't going to let some dude who named himself after an octopus stop them.

"Doc Ock is here!" Megan exclaimed. "Why is he here? I thought he was in prison!"

"He must've escaped!" Peter replied in a panic. "All of you, get out and go to Norman's penthouse!"

"What about you?" She asked.

"I'm gonna fight Otto." He said, ripping off his shirt to reveal his suit underneath. Things definitely weren't going the way as planned, but they still would do whatever it takes to get the job done.

"Stay safe." Megan said and quickly gave Peter a peck before leaving.

"I will. Love you-"

Peter didn't get the chance to say "love you" since Megan ran up to Michelle, Ned (who had the briefcase), Betty, and Flash, who were all freaking out. "Come on, let's go. MJ, you got a cop car?"

"Got it parked outside." Michelle replied.

"Wait, how did you drive yourself here?" Megan questioned.

"Don't ask. Let's go." She insisted then they ran out and headed to the elevator. Luckily, the elevator could get them to the bottom floor in no time, which it exactly did. As they ran out of Avenger's Tower, Peter could be seen fighting Doc Ock, and as much as Megan wanted to run over there, she couldn't.

Everyone squeezed into Michelle's cop car, not even bothering to put on seatbelts. Since Michelle had a broken arm, Megan took the wheel, even if it was a questionable choice. She revved the engine and sped off without any worries that she was definitely breaking the law. She may have had the siren on, but she was driving faster than any normal person should.

While they drove off, Peter struggled to stop Otto, who was basically tearing apart Avenger's Tower. He knew that Otto was only after him, not Avenger's Tower, so he decided to steer things in a different direction, aka away from Avenger's Tower.

"You want a piece of me?" He yelled. "Then let's dance."

Peter shot out a web and jumped off the side of the building and swung away, going in the same direction as Megan and the rest of the gang were. Good thing they were getting close to Norman's penthouse, because they would be swerving a whole lot on the way.

"Stop messing around, you imbecile!" Otto yelled back.

"Never!" Peter exclaimed, then went to pull one of Otto's "tentacles", and when he did, Otto screamed in pain. After a bit of struggle, Peter successfully yanked off one of Otto's tentacles, but despite Otto's pain, he kept going.

In the cop car, Michelle turned around and noticed the chaos far behind them, and she just had to point it out to her friends. "Um, guys? Turn around."

"MJ, I can't-" Megan turned without thinking and looked to see Doc Ock and Peter fighting in the middle of the road. She then screamed, slamming the pedal with her foot and sped as fast as she could.

"Meg!" Michelle yelled. "Are you trying to kill us?"

"No, I'm trying to get away from that!" She exclaimed, referring to the chaos behind them.

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