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It's a good thing Peter didn't have to live in a world without Megan. No, really, it is. Everyone was fooled.

Out of nowhere, Norman's glider flies as fast as it possibly could and Megan grabs for it before she was getting close to the ground. She balances herself on it, wipes away the blood coming out of her nose, and flies up to Peter, who is visibly shocked.

"How- you- how did you-"

"Did you really think I was gonna just let myself die like that? I stole the controller to his glider, dummy! Damsel in distress, my ass! I can save myself!" She sassed. Even in near death, Megan never failed to stay true to herself. Stealing the controller was one of the things Megan did while Norman was fixated on choking the life out of her, and it clearly worked in her favor.

"Oh my god. I thought I lost you." Peter cried.

"Can't get rid of me yet!" Megan exclaimed. "You should've seen the look on your face!"

A bit of a weird thing to say, but it was all part of Megan's classic humor, which Peter learned to understand. "You never fail to amaze me."

"I know. Now, let's go save New York." She said, then reached out for Peter so he could grab onto Norman's glider that she basically stole. "Grab on!"

"Woah, woah, woah!" Peter yelled out, not expecting sudden turbulence. They reached Norman's balcony once again, and while Peter had no trouble, Megan was struggling to get off of Norman's glider.

"My feet are like-" Megan paused, kicking her one foot that was still stuck. "-stuck to this thing!"

"Just kick it to the side." He shrugged, and she agreed to do it.

She kicked the glider to the side, accidentally breaking it without caring. If Megan really wanted one of her own, she could just have someone make it at Avenger's Tower. "There. What-"

Out of nowhere, Peter pulls Megan close and wraps his arms around her tightly, holding onto her as if she was taking her last breath. Confused, Megan returns the embrace, almost feeling the life being taken out of her because Peter was holding onto her so hard.

"I can't- brea-" Megan said, only to sound muffled.

Peter let go, stroking her hair gently and apologizing for the tight embrace. "Sorry."

"What was that for?" She asked.

"For scaring me." He replied, referring to what he thought was going to be her death not too long ago.

"Right, sorry." Megan frowned, but quickly changed her attitude because they had a city to save. "Anyway, calm your spidey tits for a second. What's the plan?"

"What plan?" They turned to see Norman, so now they had no time to think of a proper plan again. Despite this, Peter pointed at his wrist then at Megan, and she quickly got the gist that he was talking about her watch.

"Record this." Peter whispered then she quickly ran away, but hid so she could record whatever Peter had up his sleeve.

"You're not getting her this time, Norman." He said, swinging at Norman, who had nothing to say. He definitely thought he got rid of Megan after that insane fight, so he was extremely mad to see her still alive.

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