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After classes, Megan drove over to Avengers Tower. While she was at school, Ned and Peter devised a plan for how Megan would break into Norman's office, plus how she can get into his computer if it wasn't already logged in. She was confident in this, so she didn't waste any time worrying.

"Sup, dudes." Megan said as she walked into Ned's office, giving them finger guns.

"Hi, honey." Peter cooed.

"Hi, honey." Ned said, imitating Peter, who was immediately offended.

"You got a plan?" She asked.

"As a matter of fact, we do." Ned replied.

Megan walked over to Ned's computer, watching him type and click away, showing her the map to Oscorp, zooming to Norman's office. The place was astronomically huge, so getting there was a pretty hefty task.

"So, Norman's office is at the very top." He pointed.

"Of course." Megan scoffed.

"According to Peter, you insisted you don't need his help-"

"I'll only need his help if I have no choice." She interrupted.

"Right." Ned replied. "Anyway, you're gonna climb to the very top then go through the vents."

"Huh?" Megan gawked. "But Peter can get there so much faster!"

"You said you didn't need my help." Peter shrugged.

"Fine, I'll climb the damn building," She rolled her eyes. "but how?"

Peter pulls out a grappling hook and rope, handing it to Megan, who takes it in confusion. "Grappling hook? Really?"

"Yup." Peter nodded.

"Okay, so what do you want me to find on his computer?" She asked.

"Bank records, files, that kind of stuff." Ned answered.

As much as Megan knew that volunteering to do this was insane, she really didn't think it all through. There was no going back now, but she had to remember that she was doing this for Michelle. She made a promise (even if she didn't exactly hear it), and she was going to keep it even if it killed her.

"I'll be off then."


Once the sun set, Megan (in her darkest clothes), walked over to the Oscorp building, looking up at how high the building actually was. It was a good thing she got over her fear of heights, because there was no way she would go through with this if she still did.

"Here goes nothing." She sighed.

Megan pulled out the grappling hook gun, pointing up as high as she could. She pulled the trigger, letting the hook shoot to the very top, hooking onto the edge of the building.

Hooking herself to the rope, Megan grabbed on, pressing her feet against the side of the building and taking her first steps. This was definitely a million times scarier than she thought, but she had to keep reminding herself who she was doing this for.

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