Year 1 Ch.1:Express Way

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3rd POV
It was a beautiful warm summer's day, the sound of birds chirping and children playing in the empty streets. A truly peaceful day as families members had left to work and the children stayed home with their mummies or caretakers. The summer vacation seemed to be enjoyful for everyone expect for a boy who laid in his bed looking up into the ceiling

"I wish the day would just arrive already" the boy with short h/c and e/c eyes sighed as he took out his wand

He had gotten a wand by his father's "friend" who was a wand maker. It was a 14 inch wand with a Phoenix feather core and made from Alder wood. The boy's father was a wizard who was a Slytherin during his time as a Hogwarts student. He took pride in his wizarding work and his talents making him an arrogant man. As for the boy's mother, she was a Ravenclaw who is a kind woman but a little strict and intimidating

"Tick tock" Y/n says as he looks to his clock hanging above his desk before he sits up and aims his wand at it. "Confringo" the boy says causing the clock to burst leaving behind a small flame that later dies down. "They never stop arguing do they" Y/n says as he gets up and opens the door hearing his mother and father argue

"You wanted him to live here in this Mudblood infested hell hole!" His father shouts as he slams his hand on the table

"Why are you so arrogant? I wanted him to grow up in a home where he could relate to other children" his mother responds

"Have you not noticed that we are wizards? We have no business rubbing our elbows with these people"

Y/n slowly closes the door and sighs. "Guess this is the normal life they wanted me to have" he smiles as he lays on his bed and tears begin to form in his eyes as he buries his head in the pillow

A few weeks had gone by and the day had arrived when the year at Hogwarts would begin. Y/n woke up early in the morning and, with his trunk, snuck out of his room and into the fireplace. Y/n picked up a handful of floo powder and threw it down. "Diagon Alley" he shouted as the flames engulfed him and he reappeared in an open and cramped area just outside the main plaza

Y/n stared in awe as he walked down the road, passing many people and shops along the way. Y/n walked into a shop where there were many creatures in cages or roaming freely. Y/n stumbled upon a bat that hissed at him viciously

"Good ole Bruce. He is a menace I tell ya" the shopkeeper smiled as he walked over. "What can I help you with my boy?"

"Hello sir I'm looking for and owl"

"Well follow me" the man lead the way into a deeper part of the shop where he stood aside revealing the isle if owls. "Pick anyone you like"

Y/n walked through the isle hearing the owls hoot until he stopped by an owl that seemed to good to look at him

"Prideful little think aren't ya?" Y/n said as the owl turned its head and swung his wing as if saying 'begone with you.' It was a jet black owl with beaming yellow eyes. "I take this one sir"

"Ah yes. This one is a bit rough to get along with but who am I to refuse service to a customer"

After paying for the owl and leaving the shop, Y/n continues his way to purchase the necessities he will need such as a cauldron, beginner books on spells and potions, and some sweats

"I think I'm all good now" Y/n says as he sits near a stump and opens his black and gold sack and looks into it. "Should be enough galleons for the year" he says tieing up the bag and puts it in his pocket. "I just wish mum and dad would get along and we'd be here together" he says imaging the three of them happily walking through Diagon Alley. "Come on Y/n no time for that sentimental stuff" he says to himself as he gets his belongings and continues to walk

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