Ch.21: Patronus Practice

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"Well, well. Look who's here" Draco said as he approached the two from behind. "You two shopping for your dream home?"

"Wanna start spewing slugs again Draco?" Y/n threatened still facing the Shack

"Now that's not very friendly. Boys, I think we're going to have to give L/n here a little payback"

"You can try" Y/n said turning to face them taking out his wand

"They're not worth it Y/n" Hermione said placing her hand on Y/n's and lowering it

"Don't interfere with our business you Mudbl-" before Draco could finish, he was hit by a snowball that came over the snowy hill. "Who threw that?!" He asked looking over to the distance. He gets hit again over and over by snowballs and he grows irritated. "Don't just stand there!"

Pike and Crabbe begin to walk towards Y/n and Hermione but suddenly Pike fell on his knees and Crabbe had his pants swipped down. Y/n and Hermione began laughing at the three who became scared at was happening

"What a minute there's something out there!" Draco began to spin in a circle as it seemed that his scarf was spinning him. He fell and was dragged in the snow for a bit before he got up and ran away along with the other two

Hermione's hair began to be flicked up and Y/n's scarf was tugged

"Harry!" Hermione laughed as Harry revealed himself from his invisibility cloak laughing as well

"That was brilliant" Y/n added

The three returned to Hogsmeade and met up with Ron who was in Honeydukes again. Harry explained to them that the Weasley twins had given him a map known as the Marauder's Map

"Those weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map!" Ron exlaimed angrily as he took a bite from his candy

"But Harry isn't going to keep it. He's going to turn it over to Professor McGonagall, aren't you?" Hermione eyed Harry who ignored her

"Why would he? I mean having that map will help Harry have some comfort about around him" Y/n said

"Exactly" Harry smiled causing Hermione to roll her eyes

"Rosemerta my dear" said Cornelius Fudge in the distance

"Hey its Fudge" Y/n pointed

"And Madam Rosmerta. Ron fancies her" Hermione laughed

"Its not true!" Ron shouted

"Of course he doesn't. He fancies Lavender" Y/n laughed causing Ron to punch him on the shoulder only for Y/n to laugh harder

"Shh!" Harry hushed

"I trust business is good?" Fudge asked the woman

"It'd be a right sight better if the Ministry wasn't sending Dementors into my pub every other night" she criticized

"We have a killer on the loose"

"Sirius Black? In Hogsmeade!? And what would bring him here?"

"Harry Potter" Fudge whispered

"Harry Potter!" Rosmerta exclaimed

Fudge and Rosmerta, along with others, entered a pub. Y/n turned and noticed Harry gone but he followed the trail that lead to the pub

"Harry!" Y/n whispered yelled as Harry entered the pub

"Let's go in there" Ron suggested

"I'm not going in there. Smells of alcohol and piss" Y/n said finding a bench and sitting down

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