Ch.15: Battle in the Chamber

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The three make a run for the restroom before suddenly stopping at a corridor corner overhearing the several Professors talk

"As you can see, the Heir of Slytherin has left another message" Mcgonagall informs. "Our worst fear has been realized. A student has been taken by the monster. Into the Chamber itself. I'm afraid we shall have to send the students home. I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts"

"So sorry. Dozed off" Lockhart says approaching the Professors. "What have I missed?"

"Just the man. A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last" Snape says with a hint of enjoyment

"My m-moment?" He shudders

"Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?"

"Did I? I don't recall?"

"That settles it" Mcgonagall says getting everyone's attention. "We'll leave it to you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy. Your skills, after all, are legend"

"V-very well. I'll.. I'll be in my office, getting... getting ready"

"The rest of us should go and inform the students what has happened"

"Who has been taken Minevra?" Asks Professor Sprout who now joined

"Ginny Weasley"

This came to an icy shock for the boys especially Ron. The teacher began to disperse and Y/n quickly casted the disillusionment charm to hide them then decasted it when they left. The boys walk down the corridor with Ron both afraid and worried for his little sister

"She knew something. She'd found out something about the Chamber of Secrets. That's why she was taken. I mean, she was... is... a pure-blood. There can't be any other reason" Ron states with a weak voice

"C'mon. Let's go see Lockhart. He may be a brainless git, but he's going to try and get into the Chamber. We can tell him what we know..." Harry nudges Ron and the three head for the Professor's office

"Do you think that maybe she's-"

"She'll be fine Ron. We'll find her" Y/n reassures

The arrive and see him nervously packing his belongings to his trunk

"Professor, we've got some information for you-" Harry cuts himself off. "Going somewhere?"

"Um, well yes. Urgent call you see. Got to go" he laughs nervously

"What about my sister?"

"Well as to that, most unfortunate. No one regrets more than I-"

"You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. You can't leave now" Ron interjects

"I must say when I took the job, nothing in the job description-"

"You're running away?" Y/n interrupted. "After what you did you those books?"

"Books can be misleading"

"You wrote them" Y/n sighs sarcastically. "Unless you're a fraud"

"My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I'd done all those things. No one wants to read about some ugly old Armenian warlock, even if he did save a village from werewolves. He'd look dreadful on the front cover. No dress sense at all..." Lockhart admits

"You've just been taking the credit of what other wizards have done haven't you?"

"There was work involved. I had to track these people down and ask them
exactly how they managed to do what they did. No, it's not all book signings and publicity photos. You want fame, you have to be prepared for a long, hard slog"

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