Year 4 Ch.26: Attack at the World Cup

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"Oh no no no my Lord. I only meant... perhaps if we were to do it without the boy.." Pettigrew whimpered

"NO! The boy is everything, it cannot be done without him and it will be done exactly as I say" the haunting voice of a man echoed through the room

"I will not disappoint you my lord" smiled an unknown man

"Good. First, gather our old comrades. Send them a sign" a snake slithers from the seat and onto the hall were the old man stood. "Nagini tells me the old caretaker standing outside the door" Pettigrew walks over and sees the man who is scared. "Step aside so I can give our guest a proper greeting" the man stood up and began to cast a spell

"Y/n!" Jade's voice broke through the, seemingly, realistic dream state of a sleeping Y/n

"What?" The boy groaned as he stood up

"Get up. Ray's waiting" Jade said messing with Y/n's hairshattered.

The boy stood up and walked to the restroom. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. He saw a tired boy with messy, wavy hair. He had gotten a few inches taller and had build a slightly bulky physique. Beginning his morning routine, his mind reflected on the dreams he had been having all throughout break. Small bags began to form under his eyes and, although he had some muscle tone, he was much slimmer, close to being malnourished. He headed off downstairs after putting on a black shirt, blue trousers and green shoes.

"Morning" Ray said taking a sip of coffee

"I'll let you two talk" Jade exited

"What is it you want to talk about?" Y/n asked looking out the window to a dark blue sky with a slight orange ring over the horizon

"What are the dreams you've been having?"

"What do mean?" Y/n turned to face him

"Don't act dumb with me Y/n. You're clearly not getting sleep at night and Jade said that she hears you talk at night as if you're talking to someone else in the room"

"Ok fine. I've been having these weird dreams. Its like a lucid dream only I can't control what I do but everything feels realistic"

"What's it about?"


"A-are you sure?"

"I think so. I see these two people. One of which I know. They are in a room which looks similar to that of one in the Shrieking Shack. Both crouch near a chair whose back faces my point of view. Then both of the men turn to the door and speak to the man on the chair, referring to him as 'My Lord' and they speak of a chosen one. I think they are planing something for Harry"

"Tough to tell what exactly that dream means. I wish I could help, but nothing comes to mind"

"Its ok. I'll try to keep it under control when I go over to the Weasley's"

"When are you going?"

"Later today. Something about a special reward tomorrow. I don't know in all honesty"

"You be safe" Ray stands and places a hand on Y/n's shoulder. "If anything, you know you can talk to us"

Y/n nodded and watched as Ray head upstairs. He looked outside the window, looking up to see the rising sun shining light over the horizon towards the house. After their goodbyes, Jade and Ray left off to begin their first year as workers for the Ministry. Y/n finished packing, and after finishing a light breakfast consisting of bread and juice, grabbed the Portkey potions book and warped. Suddenly he appeared at the Weasley residence and walked over to it, knocking on the front door

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