Ch.20: Questions and Concerns

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The students returned to the castle from Hogsmead. The three that were able to attend met Harry in the Great Hall. Hermione and Ron were excited to tell Harry about their day

"The post office! It's about 200 owls, all sitting on color-coded shelves, depending on how fast you want your letter to go!" Hermione stated

"And Honeyduke's is brilliant! Sugar Quills, Flaming Whizbees, and blood-flavored lollipops for Halloween!" Ron said eating some candy

Harry turned to Y/n and gave him a look as if asking 'what about you?'

"I tried butterbeer for the first time" Y/n shrugged

"But, I mean, after awhile, it got a bit boring. Don't you think guys?" Hermione said noticing the sadness in Harry's eyes

"Huh?" Ron asked looking up getting a look from Y/n and Hermione. "Oh. Yeah. Dead depressing. Hang on" Ron reached for a bag under the table. "I almost forgot. I got you something wicked at Dervish and Banges. It's a Pocket Sneakoscope" Ron hands Harry a small glass spinning top. "If there's someone untrustworthy around, it's meant to light up and spin. Mind you, Fred and George say it's rubbish, sold for wizard tourists, but I thought, you know, it can't hurt, given that-"

"Sirius Black is trying to kill me" Harry interrupts. "I'm glad you had a good time" Harry smiles. " Really. And thanks for this. Rubbish or not, you're right. It can't hurt" Harry said as he popped a pepper imp in his mouth

"I wouldn't have done that" Y/n smiled as he took a drink of water

"What do-" suddenly Harry's nose and ears puff smoke and his face grows red

Later that night, Y/n sat in the common room reading a book about transfiguration when suddenly Draco swipped the book from him

"Come on give it back Draco"

"Why don't you ask your little Gryffindor girlfriend to get it for you" Draco laughed. "That's right I saw you two walking around in Hogsmeade. Made me want to puke"

"Well if you wanted to puke you could just ask" Y/n suddenly got up and blasted Draco in the stomach making him drop the book and grab his stomach. Crabbe and Goyle were about to get Y/n until he casted Rictusempra causing them to laugh uncontrollably. Draco began to gag and cough up a slug. "Consider it payback from last year" Draco looked up at him confused. "Mudblood ring a bell"

Suddenly the door to the common room opened and Snape walked in. He seemed uneasy and walked in telling the prefects to gather every student in the house

"What is the meaning of this L/n?" He asked looking at the three on the floor

"Horrible thing. You see Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were trying to practice transfiguration" Y/n said picking up his book. "But knowing how incompetent they are, they failed nonetheless and seem to have cursed themselves"

"Are you lying to me L/n?" Snape asked as he cured the three students

"Of course I am Professor. It's what we Slytherins are known for" Y/n smiled as he sat down and rested his legs on the coffee table smiling

"You smart mouth ingrate" Snape growled causing Y/n's smile to go away and sit up straight. "Listen closely because I am only saying this once. We have reason to believe that Sirius Black is in the castle and I have been told by the Headmaster to inform you all that in the following nights you are sleep in the Great Hall" he informed

Many students talked amongst themselves nervously and in concern

"Gather belongings to sleep and be there within the next ten minutes" he said before leaving

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