Ch.28: Tri Wizard Champions

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Y/n was the first of the students to leave the classroom. He made his way over to the Black Lake and stood just over the shore line. He let out a painful scream full of frustration and anger. He removed the glove and threw it to the ground. The mark on his hand stopped burning but Y/n was still feeling the physical strain in his body. He picked up the glove and sat down near the base of a tree and looked at his arm

"Hey Y/n" said s voice over the tree making the boy jump and quickly put on the glove

"Oh hi Emilia" Y/n smiled nervously

"Are you ok? I heard a scream" she asked as she walked over to the boy and knelt beside him

"Yeah everything's... fine" he said turning his head to the lake

"Its peaceful here" Emilia said looking at the lake

"Yeah. I never noticed it until now. The silence I mean" Y/n turned to Emilia

"Y/n!" Another voice called. "There you- oh"

"Hermione!" Y/n quickly got up. "Hey. Uhhh Hermione this is Emilia from Beauxbaton. Emilia this is Hermione"

"Nice to meet you" Emilia smiled

"Likewise" Hermione said with a fake smile. "Y/n a bunch of us are going to the Great Hall to see who puts their name in. Want to come?"

"Yeah sure" Y/n nodded. "You wanna join Emilia?"

"No you guys go" Emilia said slightly annoyed while getting up. "I'll see you later Y/n"

The two began to make their way to the Great Hall

"Are you ok Hermione?" Y/n asked raising a brow

"Just fine why do ask?"

"Well back there it seemed a bit dodgy about Emilia. Was she bothering you or something?"

"You're just imagining things. What about you? Are you ok?"

"I don't know anymore. It's barely the first day and my arm started burning crazily. I also think somethings up with Moody there's something wrong"

"Well Moody seems unstable but I'm not worried about him. Y/n, you attacked a teacher in front of the class. You can get into serious trouble"

"That's the least of my concerns Hermione. My body just seemed to act on impulse. I had no control of what I did until I realized that Moody was grabbing his wrist"

Hermione looked at Y/n with a concerned face while the boy looked down defeated. The two arrived at the Great Hall and sat near the group of Gryffindor boys. As the two sat down, Cedric Diggory had walked into the room followed by friends to put his name in the Goblet. He eyed Y/n who looked back cautiously as Cedric continued down the hall

"Eternal glory. Be brilliant wouldn't it" smiled Ron who looked at the Goblet "Three years from now when we're old enough to be chosen"

"Better you than me" laughed Harry

"Well we've done it lads" smiled Fred as he and George entered the room holding a glass each

"Cooked it up this morning" George added as he and Fred sat next to Hermione and Y/n

"Its not going to work" Hermione said in a sing song tone

"And why's that Granger?" George raised a brow

"Because a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dim-witted as an Ageing Potion" Hermione informed

"That's exactly why it's so brilliant" laughed Fred

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