Ch.31: The Second Task

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A few days had passed since the Yule Ball had ended and the second task was nearing its start. Y/n had yet to figure out the clue behind the egg, but what had him worried most was Hermione. Since the dance, Y/n has not seen her

"Still haven't figured out the egg?" Harry asked. "The task is two days from now"

"You think I don't know that" Y/n responded annoyed. "Harry, the egg is the least of my concerns. I want to talk to Hermione"

"Well you might have trouble with that" Ron said scratching his head. "You know given what happened"

"Shut up Ron" Y/n sighed

"Hey L/n" Cedric said walking up to the three boys


"How are you?" He asked

"Spectacular" Y/n responded sarcastically and signalled the other two to give them some time to talk alone

"Look I realize I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons"

"No problem. You'd of done the same for me"

"Exactly. Listen, do you know prefects bathroom on the fifth floor?"


"It's not a bad place for a bath. Just take your egg and mull things over in the hot water" He informed

"Thanks Cedric" Y/n said in appreciation

"So?" Harry asked as the two boys approached as Cedric left

"I have to go"

Later in the afternoon, Y/n had snuck into the prefect bathroom and flipped on the switch that turned on the many faucets that begin to pour different colored liquids into the pool of water. Removing his clothes, Y/n steps into the water and looked at the mark on his left arm

"You really are just a snake" Hermione's voice echoed in Y/n's mind

He gripped his arm tightly then let go in frustration. He sighed and reached over to the egg. He picked and up and twisted the knob and the screech began to start. Y/n looked around the room to see if it triggered anything, but alas nothing. In an attempt to silence it, he shoved the egg under water and the screech had stopped. Curiously, he decided to place his head under as well

"Come seek us where our voices sound" said the echoey voice of a woman. "We cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took" with that the egg began to close

"Underwater?" Y/n thought as he rose his head above the water.  "Voices? Merpeople!"

The following morning Y/n had met with Neville to discuss some information regarding the egg and task

"So you think the next task is going to me underwater? At the Black Lake?" Neville asked as he placed a few books on a shelf

"Precisely" Y/n nodded as he closed a book. "Fact of the matter is, I don't have a clue of what to do to breathe underwater"

"You don't know the bubble head charm?" Neville asked surprised


"I have an idea. Meet me near the forest clearing before the task begins"

"Thanks Neville"

Several hours had passed and students and staff had begun to head off to the location of the second task which was on a platform that stood over the lake

"You sure about this Neville?" Y/n questioned as he received a green plant life that looked similar to seaweed

"Absolutely" he nodded

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