Chapter 2:Bella's first day and new friends

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(The Next Day)
London's POV:I smile as I wake up and see Coco still asleep . I quickly grab  my stuff and head to the bathroom to take a hot shower and wash my hair. I smile as I start to wash my hair with my Pantene Shampoo and conditioner. After I finish I wrap my body and hair in towels. I smile as I leave the bathroom and see Bella.
Me:"you can go in now ." I Say politely before going in my room and see Coco Know awake I smile as I sit at my desk and start on my hair and then I grab my outfit. And put it on. I smile blowing a kiss to Coco before grabbing my bag and leaving. I smile at my dad and Bella as I walk in the kitchen and start making my morning smoothie. Bella smiles at me.
Bella:"you make a morning smoothie?" I smile nodding my head.
(Outfit,Bag Smoothie cup¥)

I smile as I put the smoothie in my cup and kiss my dad's cheek goodbye

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I smile as I put the smoothie in my cup and kiss my dad's cheek goodbye.
Bella:"do you need a ride?" She Asks I shake my head no.  She keeps on forgetting we are the same age.
Me:"no I got a car after many summers of working I finally got the car I want!" I Say Smiling as I run out to my car.  And smile getting in the drivers seat and put my bag in the passenger seat and putting on my seatbelt. I start the car and start driving I'm meeting my friends after I show Bella to the office.

I smile as I park

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I smile as I park. Bella parks on the other side of the lot. I walk over to her and we start walking to the Office.

(Later on at lunch)
I smile as I'm walking to my lunch table with my friends. Gem looks at a table. Smiling.
Gem:"looks like your sister made some friends!" She points out kindly. I smile as I see Bella at a table with A few kids that I know are nice except one of them. Jessica Stanley. None of me and my friends really like her she seems self-absorbed and nosy I mean she's always sticking her nose in the Cullen's  business.
Bella's POV: I smile as I watch London sit down with her group of friends I look at Jessica.
Me:"umm and what do you know about them London's friends?" I ask curiously. Jessica smiles softly and Angela roles her eyes same with Eric,Mike, and Tyler.
Jessica:"Ok Umm The Raven Haired Latina, That's Gem Taylor she's really smart on the honor board and Head of STEM. But she's also a gymnast." She informs me looking at the girl as she explains. Angela smiles.
Angela:" she's just really sweet. You never really see her get angry unless someone does something stupid." I nod my head as Jessica points to a boy with pale skin and dark hair.
Jessica:" The one with the dark hair that's Caleb Samuels, he used to be a lot of trouble but hanging around your sister got him to change.  Change for the better. He plays baseball when it's in season. He's the head of the coding club. He's really good with computers. Good grades he's on honor board to." Eric smiles before waving at the boy.
Eric:" he fixed my computer a couple times I would like to say I'm pretty good friends with him, he really doesn't like to be around negativity." He explains . That's a good thing that he doesn't like negativity. Next Angela points to a blonde girl On London's Left . Who is smiling and laughing.
Jessica:" that is Ella Forrester,She's Really into keeping the community safe . Very futuristic. She teaches little kids how to bake. Sometimes. She's also on the honor roll." She explains . I smile at her and she smiles back. Well she seems kind. Angela giggles softly looking at Jessica who looks annoyed.
Angela:" because of everything she does and extracurriculars and her good grades there's a huge chance that Ella might be valedictorian when we graduate something Jessica always wanted. Ever since we got into high school Jessica's made everything with Ella competition." She Says rolling her eyes . Jess shrugs what Angela sent us and continues pointing. To a boy with light brown hair .
Jessica:"him,with the light brown hair,yeah that's Josh Love, literally his last name is love. Which is a huge coincidence because there's no one in the school that hates him. Well except Mike. He's a star athlete on the honors board. " She Says smiling and sighing dreamily. I look at mike who just rolls his eyes. I shrug it off as Jess points to a girl with Beautiful curly hair.
Me:"Wow her hair is beautiful!" I Says Smiling Softly. Jessica nods her head.
Jessica:" that's Katey Daniels ,She runs track.  she's part of The decorating committee for every dance." I nod my head . Mike smiles softly.
Mike:"She's nice." He Says . As Jess Points to the last boy.
Jessica:"That's Vince Gates Head Of The Wrestling team. Yeah he's super protective over all of them.but he's a good guy also on honor board." She finishes.