Chapter 9:London Helps Look For Bella

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(1 month later)
London's POV: I sigh deeply as More people come in for a search party to help look for Bella. She left out earlier and never came back all I know is that she's in the woods. Soon enough Billy and Jacob Arrive. I smile sadly at Jacob. Jacob Kisses my head As He Helps Me look at the map in front of us.
Jacob:"Hey,we'll find her." I close my eyes as I let a few tears trail Bella and I might not see eye to eye but she's still my twin.i look at Jacob as I feel my eyes well up with tears.
Me:"and what if we don't? It's Cold tonight Jake. Knowing Bella she only has on a jacket." I state getting worried Billy rolls back over to the table giving me a cup of hot chocolate as Jacob drapes a blanket over me.
Billy:" I made a few Calls Sam and the boys are gonna look for her." I nod my head thankfully as I sip the hot chocolate. And i tap my fingers against the wooden table my Dad Walks Over.
Charlie:"Lon,maybe you should go to bed." I shake my head "no" at his request. My eyes widen as I look at my dad as a hold up one finger to make him stop talking.
Me:"No,Nope! Not.....Gonna...Happen!" I Say Jacob chuckles softly next to me.

Jacob's POV: Charlie looks at London with a pleading look after she over dramatically declined his request.i sigh as I rub Her Shoulder.
Me:"your dad's kind of right Lon....wait isn't Caleb and Vince Camping Tonight ?" I remind her remembering how last time we all talk together they mentioned they would be camping . London's Eyes Widen as She step's back and grab's a phone until my dad is looking near the opening to the woods and he calls London and Charlie we all turn our heads and Sam Uley with Bella in his arms Charlie Rushes Over and gets Bella I started to carry her back into the house. We all follow him but London stays,what is she up too?

London's POV: I smile softly as Sam is about to run back into the woods but I run over to him.
Me:"Hey Sam!" I call as I run towards him Sam turns around  a little confused I hug him smiling softly.
Sam:"Little London." He says  chuckling I giggle softly Sam and Leah used to watch me when they where together. When they broke I still saw them both.
Me:"thanks for finding her." I say smiling as I pull away Sam smiles down at me petting my head while messing up my hair.
Sam:"anytime." He Says Before leaving