Chapter 8:London and Ella Meet James

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(Ella's Outfit in The Media)
(Later on)
Ella's POV: me and London giggle as we walk further into the forest we both get that feeling again like we're being listen to I can tell because London has that look on her face again. We Then here someone in the trees behind us. Me and London Turn around and take out our guns. I know what you're thinking what are two teenage girls doing with guns? Well when we were Little our dads took us  out to hunt with them to see what it's like we got lost and a group of drunk guys found us , our dads had to use their hunting guns to get them away they didn't hurt them they just shot in the air to scare them away. So when we turned 15 our dad took us to the shooting range to learn self-defense with the guns. But on a 16th birthday they gave us the guns personally. by then we knew how to use them. A guy comes out with his hands raised.

???:"whoa! What are two little girls doing with such dangerous weapons?" He has this smog smirk plastered on his face it's like it's permanent. London looks at him with a hard glare.
London:"Who Are You?" She Asks looking at him skeptically. He chuckles softly and it's almost like his whole aura changes around us. It's brighter, better. London must feel it too she puts her gun down.
???:"I'm James and Who might you two be?" I Smile Softly as I put my gun down.
Me:"Ella Forester." I say softly .
London's POV: I slowly put my gun down as I put it back I answer James.
Me:"London Swan." I Say with a small smile. James chuckles softly.
James:"What are two young girls doing so deep in the woods with such....... Dangerous Weapons." He Asks Asks Smiling me and Ella roll our eyes softly.
Ella:"Ok,One,we are both 16." I finish her sentence.
Me:"And Two,what's it to you?" I Ask boldly. James chuckles softly as he looks me and Ella.
James:"I see I don't I have to worry about you two,your brave girls very Very Smart young women. " Me and Ella smile softly at his comment. Ella smiles softly.
Ella:"would you like to walk with us?" She offers. I nod my head agreeing to her invite.
James smiles widely.
James:" of course."
(2 hours)
James's POV: I chuckle softly as I start to walk a little back to where we were. London and Ella make me feel different, they make me feel human .
Ella:" we should really get going." London nods her head as her and Ella look at me. London smiles softly.
London:"it was amazing Meeting you James." She Says Spending time with these Too kinda makes up for not getting a bite out of that human. I smile at them.
Me:"it was nice meeting you too, you girls really are extraordinary." I Say before they both hug me and then walk away. What is it that is so special about those girls?