Chapter 15:Victoria and London Talk About James

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(later on )

London's POV: I sigh as I park in front of the house where Victoria is supposed to be staying. This is the address she gave me. I smile softly as I see her walk out of the front door. I sigh as I grab my bag and get out of the car and walk over and hug her. She sighs before we pull apart and I smile softly back at her. 

Me: "How are you holding up?" I ask as we begin to walk into the house. I can't help but look around as she replied.

Victoria: "As good, I didn't have to drive up here I could have met you somewhere local." She tells me as she leads me into the kitchen. I shrug softly not minding it since I needed to clear my head.,

Me: "It was no problem. I was out already anyway ." She smiles as she takes out two bottles of wine. I chuckle softly as she pours a glass of red wine for herself and a glass of white for me. I grin as she gave me my glass giving me a playful smirk. 

Victoria: "I won't tell and it's one glass." I chuckled as I took a sip from mine before replying honestly. 

Me: "Honestly I am shocked You wanted to even see me." I say honestly. I mean if I was grieving my one true love, I wouldn't wanna speak to anyone .......I wouldn't be in my right mind and I wouldn't want to make the people around me feel miserable. Victoria smiles softly at me as we continue to drink our wine while she leads me to sit in front of the fireplace in the living room. 

Victoria: "James told me about you ....he said that you are the type of girl who could stop a century-old war......with just your smile." I giggled softly at what she told me. Before James left forks, he, and Ella had hung out a couple of times. I smile sadly as I remember those memories. I sip my wine as I look at Victoria before my eyes travel to her bracelet.

Me: "I remember that bracelet was in the window of a small jewelry store when I was out on a walk with James in port angels." I say in remembrance. James said he planned on going back and getting something for Victoria and the ruby bracelet was perfect for her. She smiles softly at me before caressing her bracelet as her face goes stone cold and just by that I knew she was thinking about how James should be's not fair. 

Victoria: "when was the last time you saw or talked to him?" My head perks up at the question as I think about both parts of the question. I tilted my head smiling softly.

Me: "Last time I saw him? I had helped find his hotel in Arizona and he had taken me out to dinner as thanks we had talked about a lot of things. He asked me to come with I reminded him that I still had school that week. He asked me if I had ever been. I told him the truth which was, Only once." Victoria nods her head softly not pushing me on why only once since I had already told her about my nonexistent relationship with Renee and Bella. I look out at the night sky as I take a long sip of my wine. 

Victoria's POV: I smile softly as I look At London, she is everything James told me she was. Sweet, Loyal, Compassionate, funny, explicitly gorgeous. Talking to her and simply being in her presence makes you feel at peace and happy. I quickly saw it was getting late and London was done with her wine. So I walked her to her car and slipped something in her bag ... James wanted her to have it. She smiled at me gently through her window which was rolled down. 

London: "Take care of yourself V." I nodded my head softly returning her bright smile and waving before she drove off. How could an angel like that be related to that.......bland human.