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I've been careless
With a delicate man
And it's a sad sad world
When a girl will break a boy
Just because she can
Don't you tell me to deny it.

- fiona apple, criminal


I usually get ignored. It's impossible to get acknowledged by everybody around me. I'm simple, basic. With a bundle of fishes in the sea, when fished, I'm the one they throw back into the sea and not keep. Then again, no fish wants to be kept - horrible analogy.

There's not much to be said about me. I get more along with girls than boys, most girls would rather have that than vise versa. Boys are this, boys are that. Boys hurt you, you can't be friends with boys, boys are disgusting, no boys!

So why is it that I want the attention of those disgusting, heart breaking boys? I crave that attention of being wanted by them. Even if I risk friendships, and my reputation, does it matter when I can have love?

I mean that's all I want. That's what we all want. I didn't mean for it go that far. I didn't mean to hurt people, I didn't mean to cause harm, all I wanted was love.

I have a friend, she always had my back. Even when I fucked up on many occasions, she was always there.

And then I go out and take the most important person from her life, all because I felt lonely one night.

All I thought about were my needs, and my pleasure but never once about her.

Never once about anybody.

I like the attention of these disgusting, heartbreaking boys. They make me feel wanted - needed. I changed my unwanted image and now I'm getting what I wanted. Even if I lose a few friends, it's worth it. I'm happy.

I think?


new story and i gotta pee :-) it's my third attempt of a short story and since i have inspiratiooooooon it'll be way easier to write this so swag :-))))))))

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