ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 - 𝕄𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕠

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"Listen, you need to stop calling me. It was a one time thing and I have a girlfriend."

You were woken up the moment Mar slipped out of bed to deal with the vibrating of his phone. You waited for him half asleep but those words seemed to wake you up. As quietly as you could you tip-toe to the closed bathroom door where Mar was harshly whispering into his phone.

"Fuck! What do you not understand! It's over find someone else to fuck because I'm done." You hear him end the call but you don't bother to run from your spot.

A disheveled Mar rips open the door to reveal you standing there, arms limply by your sides. You had one of his black hoodies on and a pair of shorts on. Your hair was stuck up in all directions.

Maybe you hadn't heard. Maybe you just got up to go to the bathroom and hadn't caught anything.

"Who was that?"


"Just work." The words tasted bitter on his tongue. It hasn't been getting any easier to lie to you.

"Obviously not. I'm gonna ask again and give you a chance to tell me the truth, Castano." You crossed your arms and bit your cheek. He flinched at his surname.

One of the reasons he fell in love with you was because you always held your ground. He contemplated lying again. Maybe if he put it off long enough you'd eventually forget, but there was a constant nagging in his brain told him he was a loser for even lying in the first place.

"I swear to god it was only the one time."

Well shit.

Somehow it was exactly what you were expecting to hear but it didn't hurt any less. In a fraction of a moment, Mar could see the wave in your strong facade, but it quickly steeled. Your eyes darkened and you took a small step back. Your battle stance.


"You're a real piece of work, ya know that?" Your voice came out loud and strong but your heart was beginning to deflate at a rapid rate.

Mariano mirrored your stance. He knew the circumstances weren't the same but he was just hoping if you got into a fight, you'd cave, he'd wrap you up, and he'd promise to never do it again. Like you always do.

But of course this time it was different. Mariano knew how cheating was a deal breaker for you. He knew the moment he spewed out that pathetic excuse you'd lost all trust you'd put in him. He could tell by the way you flinched away from his touch. He could tell by the heart breaking way you were giving up your strength.

Fuck. You've never looked so broken, but at the same time so strong. God, he loved you.

"For fuck's sake, Jessica, it was the one time and I-"

"Was she in the house?" You interrupted him.


"Did. You. Fuck. Her. In. My. Bed?" You couldn't find the courage to look him in the eyes. His presence almost disgusted you and his silence made you snap.

"It was one time-"

"Oh my god." Your feet moved before you could think. You headed straight for the closet, yanking down your suitcase, and hastily began throwing all sorts of clothes into it. The ringing in your ears blocked out Mariano's aggressive pleas for you to just fucking stop. It's only when you zip the bag closed is when Mariano physically attempts to make you stop.

He grabs your wrist and you activate your quirk. It's only then you can look at him. Frozen vermilion eyes actually had the nerve to be shiny with tears. His cheeks were dusted in a frustrated blush. You would often freeze time with Mariano, despite his protests. Times you always wanted to remember or just to appreciate his presence. But now, you're taking this time to run away.

You wiggle your wrist from his firm grip and drag your bag behind you as you rush outside. You only had half an hour to get as far away as possible. Your injured ego pulled you to the only other person you thought you could trust. Just sending the text telling him to meet you on the roof of the hospital made the ache in chest ease up.

He was there before you of course. The sound of the door opening made him twist around. He was met with a sad sight. You had pulled your hair into a tight pony at some point to keep it out of your gross tears and it just showcased your bloodshot eyes and rosy cheeks. Your lumpy bag hung sadly at your side.

"Jesus Christ, doll. What happened to you?" He was off the ledge and he didn't waste time fumbling out of his jacket to give to you.

"Mariano and I - we're, uh- we broke up." You didn't realize how cold you were until you were engulfed in Kairi's jacket.

Kairi was well aware of your relationship with Mariano. While he was never crazy about the explosive boy he knew you just wanted to be happy so he let it develop on its own. He was rarely worried, just because life was easier that way, but seeing you shiver from the large cutout in the back of his jacket with raw eyelids and chapped lips- he wished he had worried a little more.

"Can I?" He reached forward hesitant to touch you because you were obviously in a fragile state. He let out a deep breath when you silently nodded.

Kairi wrapped you up from behind covering the missing fabric from his jacket. With his head nestled in the juncture of your neck you began to cry again. Nonsensical babbling along with the word why left your wet lips. The only thing Kairi could do was wrap you up just a little tighter. When the sun began to rise, you were asleep in his lap still up on the roof. He gently gathered you and your bag up and flew you both back to his apartment.

You were sound asleep as Kairi laid you down in his bed and shut the door behind him. He plopped down on the soft cushions of his living room couch. His head was beginning to hurt from how harshly his brows were furrowed. While he was out doing his job without a real care in the world you were trapped in a dead end relationship with a kid from high school. Why didn't he think about you more often? Why didn't your disappearance from his life cause him more worry?

A soft yawn drew him out of his thoughts. You stood at the end of the hall, still wrapped up in his coat.

"Hey, kiddo." He smiled despite the thoughts he'd been entertaining just moments ago.

"I'm not a kid, Kairi."

He was ecstatic to see your smile even if it was small.

"I'm sorry about last night. I just didn't have anyone else and-" you wrung your hands together.

"Don't worry about it, doll." A sweet smile reached his honey eyes. You felt an instant relief as he exuded his carefree attitude, "It's up to you if you wanna talk about it but I don't expect you to tell me anything."

So you did just that. You hung around Kairi's home, ignoring everything about the outside world. You lounged outside on his porch soaking up the sun in the afternoon, then you moved to bake cookies and watch teen beach horror movies in the evening. When night time came around you'd felt a million times better. You didn't think spending so much time ignoring Mariano would be the answers to so many of your problems; but, here you were. Laughing at the exaggerated screams from the teens on the screen.

The credits began to roll on the movie. It was late. You should go back home but the thought of seeing Mariano made your stomach dip. Kairi was well aware of your gears beginning to turn.

"What's on your mind, doll?" He didn't shift from his place on the couch, if anything he sunk deeper into it.

"I don't want to go home," you clearly stated. If it was one thing about you Kairi admired was your straightforward way of thinking. You were stubborn and passionate and maybe that's what drew Mariano to you. Mariano wanted competition. You wanted a relationship.

"You can stay here if you want." He shrugged. Kairi stayed comfy but his bright eyes shone with sincerity. You only nodded and found your place back on Kairi's chest.

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