𝕃𝕒𝕫𝕪 𝔻𝕒𝕪 - 𝕂𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚

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Kairi awoke slowly to the sound of his simple alarm

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Kairi awoke slowly to the sound of his simple alarm. He turned it off with a deep sigh. It was his day off, yet he never allowed himself to sleep in.

He rolled onto his side, smiling as he faced his girlfriend. It was Jessica's day off too, and their schedules so rarely coincided. They likely wouldn't get out of bed for another few hours, and though he normally hated to be so unproductive, he loved those lazy days with Jessica.

He brushed Jessica's stray hair out of her face and kissed her forehead, appreciating her calm, sleeping features. Jessica blinked slightly at the contact, yawning, and rolling over to fall asleep again, shifting out from underneath the blanket as she did so.

Kairi smiled fondly and moved to place the blanket back over her, but paused as he noticed a small red stain on the sheets and on Jessica's pajama pants. He stopped what he was doing, instead opting to gently wake Jessica.

"Hm...? Morning, Kai..." Jessica mumbled sleepily, trying to sleep again.

Kairi chuckled, kissing Jessica's cheek. "Good morning, beautiful."

Jessica smiled slightly, eyes still closed.

Kairi shook her softly again, kissing her face in an attempt to wake her. "Jessica...babe, you need to get up."

Jessica groaned. "Why?" she whined softly.

Kairi looked at her sympathetically. "You need to get cleaned up."

Jessica finally opened her eyes, looking at Kairi, and then down to the stain. "Oh..." she murmured, her face falling.

Kairi got up, helping Jessica out of bed. He guided her to the shower, turning the water on to the temperature he knew Jessica liked. He hummed slightly, waiting for the water to warm up, then turned to Jessica. "Should I give you some privacy?" he asked softly.

Jessica shook her head. "It's fine," she mumbled, still half-asleep. Kairi moved to help her out of her pajamas and waited until Jessica stepped into the shower, before fumbling with his phone to play some music. He hummed along as he pressed play on 'Ava' by FAMY, knowing how much Jessica loved the song and smiled as Jessica began to sing along with it.

"I'll be right outside, beautiful."

Kairi quickly gathered Jessica's clothes, as well as the sheets, pouring some hydrogen peroxide on the bloodstains. He allowed time for the chemicals to soak before shoving them into the washer and starting the cycle. He threw some comfortable sweatpants and Jessica's favorite sweatshirt into the dryer, before heading back towards the bathroom with the warm clothes.

He knocked on the door. "Jessica, may I come

"Yeah," he heard Jessica's reply, walking in to find his girlfriend sitting in a towel on the edge of the bathtub.

"Here, I warmed these up in the dryer for you."

Jessica smiled, allowing Kairi to help her into the clothes. She was perfectly capable of dressing herself, but she liked being close to Kairi, and he knew Kairi liked feeling useful. "Thanks, Kai."

"Let's go have breakfast." Kairi took her hand, leading her into the kitchen.

"Can we bake something?" Jessica asked.

"It's 8:00 AM, Jessica..." Kairi chuckled lightly.

Jessica blushed. "I know, but I want something sweet."

"I suppose allowing one unhealthy morning won't hurt too much." Kairi hunted in the pantry, pulling out a box. "Aha! I knew we had some brownie mix left."

"Nooo, we have to make it from scratch!"

Kairi paused. "Why? Box mixes are much more efficient, and there isn't much difference in nutritional value..."

Jessica giggled, and Kairi could have melted. "No, silly, they just taste better, and it's more fun!"

"I suppose. Very well, let's gather the ingredients."

Jessica jumped in excitement, "Can we put marshmallows on top?"

Kairi shrugged. "Might as well. They're not going to get any healthier."

They spent the morning making brownie mix, not caring about the mess they left in their wake. As the brownies were baking, they settled onto the couch, watching a movie, and leaning into each other.

Almost as soon as they got comfortable though, the doorbell rang. Kairi smiled, jumping up rather suddenly. "I'll get it, my love."

He soon returned with a rather large bouquet of sunflowers, interspersed with bluebells and baby's breath.

Jessica sat up in interest, grinning broadly at the vibrant blossoms. "What are those for?"

Kairi kissed her. "For you. I ordered them to be delivered today."

Jessica's face lit up. She loved flowers. "Aww, Kairi, that's so sweet! But why?"

Kairi shrugged playing with the leaves of one of the sunflowers. "It's our day off together, I wanted to do something nice."

Jessica looked at Kairi curiously, gauging his expression. She got up, wrapping her arms around Kairi's waist. "You knew I was going to start today, didn't you?"

Kairi blushed. "I may have...anticipated. Knowing the dates your last cycle was, and how heavy your flow usually is, as well as how you typically have in between 4.5 to 5 weeks in between, I calculated the dates rather easily and ensured you have all the products you need."

Jessica blinked in surprise. "Even the brownie ingredients?"

Kairi nodded. "Chocolate contains magnesium, which is helpful with cramps and can increase energy. It also has endorphins which can improve your mood. I also got raspberry tea, which also helps with cramps and irregular flow."

Jessica teared up. "You found all that out and prepared all of that for me?"

Kairi stared at her lovingly, wrapping her in an embrace and wiping away her tears. "Of course. I have to take care of my girlfriend. Besides, I love learning new things."

Jessica hugged him tightly, ignoring the bulky bunch of flowers between them. "I love you, Kai."

Kairi kissed her hair softly, as the kitchen timer dinged. "I love you too, beautiful. Brownies?"

Jessica pulled away, smiling brightly. "Brownies."

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