Chapter Fifteen

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It was officially shopping day; a day I was dreading more than anyone could imagine. Not only did I hate shopping but after what happened with Ally at the party, I didn't know what was headed my way. But I had a distraction and for once, the distraction wasn't Pierce.

As much time as I had spent remembering the way Pierce ran his hands over my bare skin, or the way he spent so much time studying, analyzing, every single thing I did, the memories were pushed aside. One single kiss from a blonde boy pushed the thoughts that flooded my mind for months right away. Their place had been taken by the thoughts of Grayson's gentle touch and the way his smile shined brighter when he listened to what I had to say.

My mother pulled up in front of Ally and Grayson's house. Ally walked out with Pierce and my mind went numb. I wanted to rub Grayson in Pierce's face, just like he was doing with Ally. I didn't want to hurt him, but at the same time, I wanted to run up to Ally and tell her that Pierce tried to kiss me. It wasn't my place to do that though. I knew at some point the pain of the two of them would go away.

Before my mind could focus for too long on the two of them, Grayson's figure appeared in the doorway of their house. I instantly smiled and waved at him. His hair had been untouched from his night's sleep. It was pointing in all different directions. He raised his hand to the front of his hair and ran his fingers through it while he walked over to the car.

Grayson was dressed in royal blue shorts that read Lincoln High Football on the left leg of the shorts. The shorts were accompanied by a white shirt that read the same as the shorts. His feet were bare. Watching him make his way to the car on his tippy toes was a funny sight to see. We had all been in that situation trying to fight the pain of tiny pebbles in the driveway.

"How's my Charlee girl this morning?" He said resting his arms on the sill of the open car window. His words caused a reaction from my mom that I knew I would have to explain to her at some point.

"Tired. Can't you tell?" I placed my hand under my chin turning my head slightly fake smiling at him.

"Oh shit you're right. You look a mess." He joked causing the both of us to laugh.

Ally and Pierce approached the car and I could see Pierce over Grayson's shoulder. As much as he was trying to give Ally all his attention, he couldn't. He was too focused on the fact that I was doing what he already did, moving on.

Ally opened the door behind me and got into the backseat. She rolled down the window after closing the door. I took my focus off Grayson for a second to greet his sister and look at Pierce who was sending daggers through my soul. Pierce gave Ally a long kiss on the lips when he knew I was looking. If I was hurting him he wanted to do the same. I looked away almost instantly not wanting to see them.

"Text me Gray?" I said loud enough for Pierce to hear.

"You know it my Charlee girl."

He kissed my cheek before he backed away from the car where we said our goodbyes. My eyes focused on Pierce's reaction to what had just occurred between Grayson and I. His face had gone blank. It was the first time I couldn't read any emotion in all the time we had known each other. But I knew exactly what he was feeling. He could hide it on the outside but I knew him better than he knew himself.

We drove off from the Coleman residence and before we were even out of sight of the house my mom was asking questions.

"Are you dating Grayson?" Ally leaned forward as the question left my mother's mouth. She was just as curious.

"I barely know him. We're just friends getting to know each other." I looked between the two of them as I spoke.

"I bet Grayson is loving getting to know you." Ally said in a sensual way. She was being snarky about it. I wasn't sure if the reason I took it as being snarky was because I was starting to really not like Ally, or if it's just how she really was.

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