Chapter Forty-Seven

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Luca and Lucy ran around the house excited that they were finally able to attend a football game. My parents felt like this was the right time, now that it was the playoffs. I sat on the couch reading a book while I waited for it to be game time.

My mom sat down on the couch next to me pulling a cup of coffee to her lips. "Hey mom?" I said looking over my book, sliding a book mark between the pages.

"What's up sweetheart?" She held the coffee in her hands in an attempt to get them warm. We had been experiencing some unusually cold days lately. Today was no different from the ones that we had been experiencing all week.

"Are you excited for the game tonight?" I smiled as I looked down at her typical Friday night football shirt. There was no doubt she was excited or more beyond proud of her son.

"Of course." She smiled at me glancing at the book in my lap. "How's your new book? This is what? Your third this week?"

I laughed at how good she was at keeping track of how much I loved to read. "Yeah it is." I smiled. "It's really good. It's the third book in the series. I'm kind of attached to the characters. Some parts are pretty triggering to my past but it's literally incredible. I don't ever want to put it down."

"I can tell. I'm glad you have something to keep your mind busy. I hope it helps your healing process."

"It does more than you know. Sometimes I just need to escape from this world and books help me do it. How do you think I lasted sixteen years?" I laughed off my past. I didn't want my mom to think she was pushing too far. I was only trying to joke to lighten the mood a bit.

"Honey, are you ready to go?" Our dad entered the room with his matching shirt on.

We gathered into the car and headed to the game sitting with our usual crowd. "We missed you last week Charlee." Grayson's parents gripped my shoulders from behind. "We are glad you're back to wearing our son's jersey." I smiled at them not really wanting to continue any sort of conversation out with them. Because I knew what their son was planning to do to me after the game.

I found myself zoning out during the game, that was until I saw Casey further down the bleachers. I wanted to join her but I knew that it would be inappropriate. But if something did go wrong before the end of the game, I would have sight of her to calm and center me. Seeing her made my focus go to the task at hand, that being the game.

The game ended in another absolute blow out. Our team literally had no competition. It was like our team didn't even have to try. But they still came off the field drenched in sweat and covered in cuts and bruises.

I waited for the bleachers to clear before joining everyone by the back of the school. I didn't feel like fighting with a crowd while on crutches. As I joined the swarm of people waiting for their family and friends to get off the field, I felt two groups of arms wrap around me.

"Where have you two been the whole time?" I laughed looking at the twins. They disappeared within minutes of getting to the game.

"Mom said we could go to the playground!" Luca said jumping up and down almost knocking me over in the process. I only laughed at his actions. Lucy pulled him away from me like the 'adult' that she was.

After a few minutes of standing, Reece, Pierce, and Grayson appeared over the edge of the hill. I smiled at how happy they were together. They had pulled this team to win after win and it seemed like there was nothing to stop them in sight.

As soon as Grayson spotted me, his eyes locked with mine and he headed straight for me. He dropped his shoulder pads on the ground in front of me before wrapping his sweaty body around me. "Congrats Gray." I said kissing him once. His arms tightened around me the longer I stayed in his arms.

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