Chapter Forty-Six

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The rest of the week flew by but it had been the most distant I had ever been. The only difference was that I wasn't alone. I had not only Grayson but also Casey.

Grayson and had begun a game of cat and mouse. Some days I needed him and the others he needed me. But our communication only happened at school. He was too focused on football and with my lack of a cell phone, it just made it difficult.

We spent every day of lunch sitting together. I wanted to stay away from "our" friend group. But I did still give him time with them. The last fifteen minutes of lunch I'd go to hang out in the nurse's office just so Grayson wasn't distancing himself from everyone else. I never wanted him to pull away from people like I did.

My parents had finally found me a therapist that they thought was perfect, and I was going to be starting on Tuesday. Though, I had found comfort and great knowledge from Pierce's sister. I spent every single day with her not missing a beat. Like I always said to myself, Kingston would always be my home.

"Coleman." The words hit my ears like fire. I felt the burn from my head to my toes. Goosebumps raised as his finger traced his name on my back. "So much better on you." He swept my hair to the side kissing the back of my neck as I tried to put my books into my locker.

"Gray." I groaned, turning my head to meet his.

"You like that don't you babe?" The pet names never sounded as good from his mouth as they did from Pierce's. His lips pressed softly against mine a few times. He had made sure to claim me in front of the entire school whenever he could. Not that anyone else was interested.

"You know I like it. That's why you do it every day." I smiled at him as his arm wrapped around me. We were truly that annoying couple, except we weren't a couple, at Lincoln High.

"Well I have to make new marks to cover the ones that were left by someone else." A smirk played on his lips. He knew how much I hated him bringing them up but did it anyways. You just have to pick and choose your battles, this was a battle I was choosing not to fight.

"Sounds like someone's jealous." I rallied a smirk back in his direction, causing his hands to drift down to my ass. His fingers sliding in the back pockets of my jeans.

"Hell yeah I'm jealous. I still have yet to take you in fully and I'm dying." He looked between us pushing his body against mine giving me a taste of the growing in his pants.

"Grayson Tyler Coleman!" I pushed playfully against his chest. "We are in school!"

He put his index finger to my lips hushing my commotion. I opened my mouth letting his finger slide into my mouth. I had to tease him. I couldn't control myself.

"You're killing me Charlee." He said in almost a groan as he pulled his finger away from me.

"I can tell." I rubbed my hand against his groin between us, slyly enough so no one could see.

"Win or lose, you are coming over tonight because I need to fuck the shit out of you." He whispered in my ear so aggressively, yet so sexually that it pulled me in two different directions. Part of me wanted it to, but part of me also felt the venom behind the words. It sounded almost like words coming from my father.

The bell sounding the start of the school day took over the hall ending the battle of how to feel in my head. Our conversation drifted off there leaving Grayson in a very uncomfortable position. But he did it to himself. Or maybe I just liked to torture him.

Lunch was just like every other day the past week, but I did want Grayson to spend more time with his teammates, so I left early for my usual trip to see Casey. I had concocted a lie that every day I had to go see her so she could check on my foot. Even though that was never needed to begin with. I just couldn't stop myself from visiting the one person who kept me on the track to getting better, healthier.

"Have fun my Charlee girl. I'll come get you after alright?"

I nodded my head. "You have fun as well." I smiled making my way to the nurse's.

"Charlee Baker." Casey said the moment I entered her office. Except today we had a guest, a guest I hadn't even realized had left the cafeteria.

"Mrs. Bradbury I'm here for my usual checkup. I accidently hit it on my desk a few times today. So it might be a little gross down there." I lied and she knew it. I hated calling her that. Having to pretend that we hadn't become real friends.

"Look what the cat dragged in." I heard the familiar voice from the devil herself.

"Can you seriously just leave me the fuck alone? Keep your shitty comments to yourself. Maybe learn to grow a nice bone in your body like your brother." I sat down next to this person I physically hated with every bone in my body.

"My brother's just as bad as I am. He's clearly using you to get more attention from girls. Everyone wants what they can't have." A smirk rose to her face. The only response I had was to roll my eyes.

"Just like you're using Pierce right? Or I guess Pierce is using you? Since you know, he cheated on you and all." Or I thought that was my only response until that left my mouth without even thinking.

"He didn't cheat on me. He said he lied because he was pissed at me." I laughed as her model-like body left the office.

"Oh yes he did and he was great." I said when I knew she was out of ear shot. Casey shook her head at my words. "Sorry I know you don't want to know that about your brother. That girl just pisses me the fuck off. And don't even start scolding me on letting her get under my skin. I know I shouldn't and I have done good all week. So it's a start."

"I have no idea how my brother puts up with her. She is nothing like any girl he's ever dated. Clearly she's the complete opposite from you."

"She brainwashes him. She did it to me at the beginning. Had me thinking she was this perfect person but I always had this hate towards her because she had him. But when her true colors began to show, I just got out of there as soon as I possibly could. She tried to make me dress exactly like her. Me dressing like her! That will never happen."

"Yeah I could never picture you wearing skirts with your ass hanging out." She laughed.

"Because I don't have to flaunt my body for guys to like me. I just have to walk in here being myself. Clearly she needs to use her body because she's a wacko bitch." Again my words as they normally did, had Pierce's sister laughing.

"Now, now Charlee. We shouldn't talk bad about people when they're aren't here to defend their selves."

"She's stomping her ass back to that table to talk shit about me to my man." I sent a playful glare at his sister. "So I can do it here in the safe space that is your office." A smile spread widely across my face.

"I thought we were moving off the idea that he is yours Char." I sighed. Eventually agreeing with her. It was the ultimate idea. Pierce wasn't mine anymore because of the decision from the both of us. Forever's just sometimes aren't forever.

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