Chapter Thirty-Three

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As I placed my jacket into my locker I revealed the fact that I had no Lincoln gear on. I stood out from everyone else. Football game or not, I had gone through too much to care about supporting people who were fake to me. Even my own brother fucked me over and I couldn't be bothered to dig through my clothes to find something old of his to wear.

"Oi, where's the school spirit Charlee?" Ally said as her hand came in contact with my shoulder. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a perfectly curled ponytail accompanied by a big blue bow.

"I guess I lost it when I stopped giving a fuck when your brother ditched me for another girl." I slammed my locker shut. "I've got to get to class." I tried to walk away but Ally grabbed me hard, a strength I never expected from her was clasped around my wrist.

"Seriously Charlee what the hell's been going on with you?" Couldn't she just stay the fuck out of my business.

"Why should I fucking tell you? All you ever do is go around talking shit about me to all our friends."

"What are you talking about? I'm just worried Charlee. I know your life hasn't been easy. I'm just trying to be there for you."

"So you go and tell Pierce about me not eating? It's not something he needs to know, friends or not. This is my life not yours so stop trying to live it for me." I tried to rip my arm away from her grip but she wasn't loosening at all.

"I just want you to be okay Charlee! Stop trying to push us all away!"

Grayson's face rounded the corner, and more than anything, I wanted to be out of his sister's grip. He had his jersey gripped in his hand as he made his way to the both of us.

"I will never be okay, so just let me fucking go." With one final good yank of my arm her hand slipped from mine. I turned and walked in the opposite direction of my classroom, and Grayson.

"What the hell did you do Ally?"

"I did nothing she's just being immature." I heard her voice fill the hallway. I wanted to turn around and slap her but she wasn't worth it. None of this was worth it.

Rough hands wrapped around my shoulders causing my feet to come to a halt. I knew they were Grayson's; I could tell by the jersey that bounced off my back when his hands came in contact with me.

"About this morning," before he could continue, I turned around shaking my head. Both at myself and him. He had done exactly as I did, except he didn't find me with Pierce. "Charlee please, it's not what it looked like I swear."

"Then what was it Grayson?" The silence around us was eerie. Grayson struggled to find his words again. He was probably thinking of some lie to try and get me back on his side.

"I- I don't know okay?" He finally forced out of his mouth.

"I guess good thing I had someone else in my bed too." I pushed myshoulder into him and walked off to my classroom leaving him with mystatements, alone.

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