I freshened up and contemplated changing out of Grayson's jersey while I waited for him to pick me up on his way back from the school. I knew how much seeing me in his jersey turned him on though. But I felt like I needed more than that. I dug through my closet trying to find something that I thought would be better. In the back of my mind I had my conversation with Casey about Ally replaying.
As I got towards the end of my closet I found and oversize Lincoln High blue t-shirt laying on the ground. I don't know where it came from because it wasn't Reece's. It was way too big for him. Either way, I threw it on sliding out of my jeans in the process as well.
The oversized shirt engulfed me dropping to right above my knees leaving my skin bare for the world to see. I never in a million years ever thought, that I'd let anyone beside Pierce lay eyes on this part of me. But Grayson has already crossed that line. I wanted to piss everyone off, so I might as well show off what God gave me, even if it was lined with scars.
Shortly after deciding that this was my choice for the night, my name was being called from downstairs. I ran down the stairs trying my hardest to avoid my parents on the way. I didn't need them to see me leaving the house in nothing but a shirt.
I ran out of the house to be greeted by Grayson waiting in his car. I jumped into the front seat, wrapping my arms around myself tightly from the cold. This was a bad idea.
"You weren't fucking lying about torture." His hands ran over my thigh that peeked out from the shirt when I sat down.
"The night has just begun Gray." I raised my eyebrows at him letting him know that this was just the start.
He drove the short two seconds from my house to his, parking on the road. His driveway was filled with cars of his friends, so it was the only option.
"Here babe put this on." He handed me his letterman jacket and I threw it over my T-shirt. It hit in about the same spot as my shirt did. "Like actual torture here." He wrapped his arms around me from behind after he walked from his side of the car to meet me. "The things you do to me." He planted a kiss on my cheek before twisting his fingers up with mine.
I knew that walking into this house was going to be a disaster. Honestly, disaster wasn't even enough of a word to cover what was going to occur. I just knew that if I had to be with these people I was going to need a lot of alcohol, and Grayson's rich parents had any option I could ever want.
The moment we entered the house all eyes were on us, even Pierce took his eyes off Ally, for the first time since they shared a room together in my presence. His eyes ran down my body slowly taking in the lack of clothing covering my skin. His eyes narrowed at me, just slightly though. No one around would have been able to notice the miniscule change, but I did. His blood was sitting at a simmer and any little change was going to send him to the point of boiling over.
Grayson tucked his fingers into the neck of his jacket pulling it towards the floor off my body leaving me in truly my sluttiest form. Nervousness had hit me like a tidal wave, and I found myself snapping the hair tie wrapped around my wrist for comfort.
"Charlee are you coming?" Grayson had entered the room accompanied by everyone else, while I stood with my eyes locked to Pierce in a full range of panic.
"Yeah sorry." I reached for his hand that was outstretched to me and grabbed it as he led me into the room.
Grayson took a seat on a couch opposite his sister, pulling me onto his lap. I felt uncomfortable with all the attention on us, on me. I put my lips to Grayson's ear whispering to him so no one else could hear. "Gray if I'm going to make it through this shit I need alcohol. Lots of alcohol." A smirk played on his lips as he lifted my legs off of him. Within a few seconds, he returned to the room with two drinks in hand, taking his previous position on the couch.
I tipped the contents of the cup down the back of my throat and rested my head on his shoulder. My fingers rubbed the fabric of his t-shirt together, it was a distraction mechanism for not having to engage with anyone else.
Grayson joined in on the conversation with his friends, but I found myself drifting off in my head, ignoring the voices around me. I couldn't help myself from getting up a few times to fill my cup. As much as I hated the taste, I needed the numbness to get me through this hell.
As time went on, sitting there just hearing the voices around me, I felt a sensation begin to start on my leg. Grayson's hand began to draw circles on the upper part of my thigh. My eyes darted to him focusing on his face. He was so lost in conversation; I didn't even know if he realized what he was doing. But the alcohol in my system was letting this feeling build a desire for this boy below me.
"Can't you just involve yourself in conversation for once? What's the point in being here if you aren't going to say shit?" Pierce's voice boomed across the room with a harshness to it. I let his questions settle into the room before directing my attention to him. It was obvious he had noticed Grayson starting to get touchy with me.
"I'm not wanted here that's why I'm not joining. I'm here because Grayson and I had plans, and then your bitch of a girlfriend forced him to say yes to bailing on me. But the thing with Grayson is, he doesn't bail on people he cares about. So he invited me, and I think it's about time for him and I start our night." I looked back at Grayson pushing my lips to his.
"My girlfriend isn't a bitch." His voice made me look back in his direction, except this time he was now standing, his fist balled at his hips. I laughed at his words and his actions.
"Not what you were saying when you were-"
"Shut the fuck up Charlee." The words shot from his mouth like venom.
"Make me." I stood up taking a step towards him, antagonizing him. I fight fire with fire.
I felt Grayson stand up behind me, clearly not trusting anything Pierce would or could do.
"I'm not going to hit a girl." Pierce's eyes shot to Grayson. That statement clearly directed to him.
"If you want me to shut the fuck up Pierce. I said Make. Me." I took a step closer to him, close enough to feel the literal anger boiling in him. Anger not at me, but at the boy who was trying to take me away.
"I never thought I'd ever see you trying to be a slut. Those scars should stay hidden. No one wants to see that shit." I closed my eyes as his words rushed through me. I laughed at myself for even trying to fight fire with fire. I should have known he would stoop that low.
"Pierce, I think that's a little far." Reece's voice tried to fill the room but Pierce instantly shut it down.
I had to hold back every part of me wanting to air out all of Pierce's dirty secrets. I bit my tongue. I had to be the better person here. Somehow, with the alcohol I had consumed I was able to. How, I wasn't sure, but I was being strong.
"At least I can share my body with someone. You and Ally haven't even had sex because your dick doesn't work." When it comes to her that is.
"What?" left the mouth of almost everyone in the room beside Ally, Grayson and Pierce.
"Pierce hasn't even put his dick in Ally because he's a straight up fucking virgin bitch. Can't even get hard to his own girlfriend. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go have fun with someone who has a dick that can actually get hard." I smirked grabbing Grayson's hand pulling him from the living room.
"You are so fucking sexy when you're angry."
"And you're fucking sexy when you're protecting me." I pushed Grayson against the wall in the hallway, pushing my lips hard against his face. His tongue forced its way into my mouth, swirling against mine.
He pulled away from me practically dragging me to his bedroom. There isno doubt I was doing all of this to piss Pierce off, to get him jealous, butsomewhere inside I know I also just wanted this for myself.

What is Home
Teen FictionSome people are born into a home that was made for them, others have to spend years fighting for their place in this world. Charlee spent sixteen years thinking she was home only to realize she never understood what a home should feel like. Will sh...