Chapter Fifty-Nine

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I walked into school the next morning with my hand laced with Grayson's. Honestly, he spent the night at my house last night. I have no idea how I pulled that one off, but I did. Nothing happened between the two of us. We just needed to be around each other and lost track of time. Only to wake up in the morning surprised by our own actions. My head was rested on his chest, his arms wrapped around me.

"You two look extra happy today." Ally walked up to us as we walked down the hall to first period. We were only going for roll call to see who arrived before everyone packed into the auditorium for the entire day. Pierce was nowhere to be found.

"Being nice to me again?" I looked over at the blonde haired girl who didn't seem to falter at my question. Grayson's hand squeezed mine to hush my attitude.

"Or not." She huffed, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

"Sorry that was rude." I sighed looking up at Grayson. He flashed me a quick smile to thank me.

"Did you two fuck or something?" She came to a halt at her locker, only stopping to check her appearance in the mirror on the inside of it.

"No." I quickly answered. "We just fell asleep." I looked at Grayson with worried eyes hoping that my response was okay. He nodded, taking all my worries away.

"She fell asleep and snored all night. That is more what actually happened." I pushed him away but quickly pulled him back, needing him to be close to me.

"I don't snore." I scrunched up my face acting fake angry at his jab.

"I know I'm just picking on you. You move a lot though." He pulled me into his chest, placing his hand on the back of my head knowing the reason behind my constant tossing and turning. Or at least he knew most of the reason. I sighed and held him back while we waited for his sister to finish staring at herself.

"Where's your other half?" I honestly didn't know the answer to the question. I hadn't spoken to him in at least four days. I had no idea what was going on with him. He was acting off. No fake smile could hide it from me.

"Talent show stuff. Since he's introducing everyone with Reece they're doing a little warm up dress rehearsal to make sure everything's working properly."

"I forgot he pulled Reece in to help him last minute." I remember faintly that Reece mentioned it one night at the dinner table.

"My forgetful Charlee." Grayson said as I stepped out of his arms, lacing my fingers into his once again.

"Too many beatings to the brain I guess." I shrugged of the joke I threw at my past. The morbid joke that the Coleman siblings would never laugh at it. The only one to laugh at this joke would be Pierce. He would be the only one who would ever understand that joking about it somehow made it better.

Ally finally finished admiring herself, allowing the three of us to continue our walk through the hallways of Lincoln High. We did a few laps around the school before finally stopping in front of my classroom. I didn't want to let go of the person who had kept my mind stable while I kept Pierce at a distance.

"I'll see you in the auditorium okay?" He said as I held onto his hand not letting go.

The words brewing in my head couldn't leave my mouth. The words of not wanting him to leave my side just couldn't find their way to the surface. I simply just nodded my head, still not letting go of his hand.

"Charlee I can't leave if you don't let go." That's the point I don't want you to go. His laugh broke through my thoughts.

"Sorry." The word came out sounding so small. I dropped his hand, turning away and walking into the classroom saying nothing more. He hovered at the door for a few seconds, watching as I took a seat across the room. He disappeared when my face didn't look towards him again.

I stared at the blackboard in front of the room. Not looking away as the seats around me began to fill. Each passing body breaking the connection with the board didn't even stop the dead look I had towards the board in front of me. The only thing that broke the stare was my phone buzzing against my desk.


I looked towards the door to see my forever standing there. I smiled at him for the first time in days, maybe even a week or more. How could he have such an effect on me? A simple word, that smile of his, breaking me from my daze. His body leaned against the frame of the doorway as he stared at me. The smile on his face was the first real one I've seen since that night, the night of our scandal in Harlow's living room.

"Hudson, get to your classroom the bells about to ring." My teacher sounded from right behind me. "I know you love being late to everything, but for once, maybe you should be somewhere on time."

"Only for you Miss Valone." He smirked at the young teacher who was barely older than us. His eyes met mine once more before he left the doorway to make his way to his own class, or hers, who knows.

Shortly after his departure the bell rang and roll call began. That really just meant she stared at every face marking who was absent, not actually making everyone say here. She knew us enough by now to know who showed up and who didn't.

After she finished her only duty for the day, our class joined the many others making their way to our place in the auditorium. I wanted nothing more than to find Grayson before making it to the auditorium, but there were too many people and that just wasn't an option. I walked myself there, getting my shoulders bumped into by the pure amount of people that were filling the halls.

I entered the auditorium scanning the filling space for the familiar faces of my friends. Reece never showed up to join me in first period, so I was in it alone. I assumed he just made a note to Miss Valone that he'd just stay in the auditorium in order to focus on helping Pierce. A Pierce that was more worried about making sure I had a smile on my face. I assume Ally said something to him about my departure from her brother that set him off to come find me.

Finally, after standing searching the room for a good five minutes, Grayson's body wrapped around mine, startling me. "You looked so hopeless. Adorable really." He said in my ear as he let his arms drop from around me to grab my hand.

"You've been staring at me trying to find you?" A light chuckle escaped from him, causing me to smile.

"It was too cute to stop earlier. I'm sorry." He walked towards the front of the auditorium where Ally and Harlow sat waiting for our arrival. I was left with the seat on the aisle, which I didn't mind. I didn't want to be sat next to anyone but Grayson anyway.

"It's okay. I forgive you. But only because you were admiring me from afar. And that's cute." I rested my head on his shoulder, a habit I really should stop.

I pulled my sweatshirt sleeves down over my hands before I pulled my knees up to my chest in the seat. This little seat was like my cocoon that I was ready to hide in while I watched person after person rise to the stage.

Grayson lifted my head off his shoulder so he could wrap his arm around my shoulder, making it more comfortable for the both of us to cuddle while sitting. I felt comfort in this position that had grown to be one I found myself in too often.

"You sure you're okay Charlee girl?" He whispered in my ear, pulling my hair from my face in the process.

I simply nodded my head against him keeping quiet.

"Okay." His voice was soft, pure even. The boy that tried to make mejealous with the blonde girl I was calling pure. What a change of events.

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