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"wow your girlfriend is... cute" Tate says once Kylie walks away

"ugh it's so annoying"


"her, but thank you for coming and helping me stay not bored"

"no problem you know i never will deny you"

"good well i have to go fix things with her. if she ends up finding a way to talk to you do me a favor and say we're partners in english and i needed help"

"alright but when are you going to leave her we've been doing this for way too long"

"i know i know i just can't leave her right now. i have to wait for her to break up with me"

"why can't you"

"look a week ago i hit her and two days ago i called her a worthless slut. i can't break up with her while she still remembers this and can tell people"

"wait you did that"

"yes i know i'm a bad person"

"you really are"


"i'm just saying anyways i gotta go bye"

"bye" we kiss and i walk away to find Kylie

i call her and she answers

"why are you calling me"

"where are you"

"none of your buisness"

"Kylie seriously where are you"

"we're going to Chili's but you're not welcome"

"why not"

"cause you're telling random girls i'm your sister when obviously i'm not"

"it was just a joke"

"she didn't even know you have a girlfriend"

"okay i dont tell random people that"

"she clearly wasn't a random person if you were with her the whole competition"

"whatever you know you were supposed drive me home how do you expect me to get there"

"you can walk, get an uber, get that little hoe to bring you i dont fucking know figure it out"

"why are you being rude"

"oh do you not like it when the person you love- oops let me rephrase the person you're forced to be with is being just a little bit mean and sticking up for themselves"

"whatever ill walk home then. "

"oh no jonah's angry i better hide before he hits me"

i roll my eyes and hang up

she's so annoying

maybe this time she'll finally break up with me

at this point we fight more than we are nice to each other

i'm honestly tired of it

i know we fight cause of me and what i do but still she doesn't have  to be so extra about all of it

but like i said to Tate i won't break up with her first

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