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10 Years Later

"Ky, can you get me a glass of water while you're up?" Zach asks me as i get popcorn from the microwave

"yeah of course"

it's been 5 years since me and and Zach got together

he ended up getting accepted in the same college as me so we got an apartment near the school together

Daniel didn't want to go to school so he's kinda illegally staying with us

but that's okay

Zach is an awesome boyfriend and i'm so happy to be with him

we're still best friends which is why it works

it doesn't hurt that he's super attractive

on the way to get the popcorn i take out a glass and fill it with water for him

once i get the popcorn i turn around and jump at the sight of Daniel

"OH MY GOD!" i scream and in almost slow motion the cup drops spilling water and broken glass everywhere

i start to panic and immediately clean everything

"woah what happened here?" Zach yells and i panic even more

"don't be mad. i-i broke the cup"

"what!! we don't have that many you know"

"i know i-i'm sorry i will buy more please don't hurt me" i whisper and he kneels down

i back up against the counter and put my head in my knees

"zach please don't"

"hey i'm not going to hurt you i want to comfort you" he says calmly but i still don't look at him

he puts his hands on my knees and i jump

"can you look at me please" he asks but i shake my head no

"why not"

"i don't want you to be able to hit me"

"baby i would never, will never, or want to ever hit you."

"that's what he would say"

"i'm not Jonah, and i'm not a person who would hurt someone. i promise you. i love you and i would never ever ever do what he did to you. can you look at me please i want to see your beautiful face" i slowly look up and he smiles

"can i have a hug?" he asks and i nod

"i love you okay and i will never hurt you in any way"

"i love you too"

"now let's clean this floor up so we can watch our movie"

he helps me up and hugs me tightly

"go to the couch i'll get this"

i sit on the couch and wrap a blanket around my arms

i still think he's mad at me for that and i'm scared

i didn't mean to drop it daniel just scared me

soon after he sits down and grabs my hand

"you know seeing you scared of me really hurt"

"i'm sorry"

"don't apologize i just want to let you know that you don't have to be scared of me. i didn't even know you still thought about your ex"

"i don't normally but you yelled cause i broke something so it triggered something."

"i understand now let's stop talking about sad things let's watch our movie"

we lay down and i kiss him

"i love you Zachy"

"i love you more"
the end

i wanted to do a different ending then i normally do

i either have pregnancy's or engagements but i'm switching it up

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