Did Curiosity really kill the Cat?

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Anthony's POV

My conversation with my Dad made me want to explore it even more while Josh seemed fine just forgetting about it. I had him drop me off before calling Griffin to come over.

"Hey, Griffin"

"Hey, Ant what do you want"

"Can we go on a drive"

"Umm sure, i'll be there in an hour, i'm at work right now"

"Okay bye" I hung up before he responded, wait. What was Griffin's job. I thought about it for a bit before it slipped my mind as the bleached haired boy entered it. 

I heard a knock on the door, apparently i had zoned out for an hour thinking about a boy who i knew nothing about. "Hey" Griffin nodded back as we got in his car.

"So, what was the point of this. What did you need to ask me" Per usual Griffin saw past my bullshit and went straight for the kill. So i was flat out honest.

Sorta trigger Warning talking about Abusive Families

"You recognized that boy i pointed out and have been drifting away from us, also you said you have a job but have never mentioned it before. I won't tell anyone i just want the truth" It was like something had snapped in Griffin, his eyes were full of anger.

"It's not normal the life we live Anthony. Parents aren't supposed to hit us for our sins and say that its God's will. We are being abused Ant, fucking getting hit for bullshit reasons. This is our towns secret, you may have never left but I have, its not common to have scars all over your back from your parents. If we called 911 right now from anywhere else in the world, our parents would probably end up in jail and we would be taken out of their custody".

 I closed my eyes not wanting to believe what he said. "No, you're wrong, you have to be wrong!" At this point I was starting to break down, I needed some grasp of normal. "What about you're job what do you do"

"I work at a gay bar, in the building you thought was abandoned" griffin answered.

In that answer i hadn't found my calm and my world came crashing down. I was hyperventilating, i couldn't breathe. "It's okay, take deep breaths with me" Griffin but his hand on my shoulder centering me. After about 8 minutes I started to breathe normally again. "Do you wanna see where I work" i nodded not trusting words after what ever just happened to me. I was probably over reacting a lot, but it was still hard. 

Griffin drove us off, checking on me every few minutes. He knew i hated being babied but was still worried about me, basically finding out a large part of my life was a lie. I then thought of Griffin who had gone through that alone, without anyone to comfort him. "Wait, Griffin did you figure all this stuff out on your own" I asked.

"I had some help" and with that we pulled up at the building promptly ending the conversation. Griffin grabbed my hand and I easily hid behind his large form as we walked in. My first impression was how quiet it is, of course it was mid-day so no one was out. "Im the bartender here" Griffin explained.

"Oh thats cool" i was still hiding behind him afraid of the unknown. It felt as though Griffin had become stronger and really come into his own, and i was glad. "Griffin" I basically whispered even though the only people here were a group of old men at the bar. He turned his head toward me. "Are you gay"

"Im bisexual" when he said it i flinched, waiting for something terrible to happen as my father preached. But nothing happened, no loud thunder, and Griffin was still alive.

"And how did you realize..." i trailed off, afraid of what to come. "you like boys" i was done, that was my small defiance against my dad, for all he had done, all of the lies. It was a stupid one but it was still a step forward.

Griffin took my chin in his hand and tilted it up to him "I had a crush on Josh" my eyes widened, our josh. I mean i guess it was fine and it did make a lot of sense. I was in admiration of how easily he had said it, no need to cower in fear of anything. I guess i had zoned out because Griffin said my name. "Anthony you there bud" i nodded.

"Whoops, sorry i zoned out. But thats cool that you liked Josh, he's a great guy. I mean being bi is cool too.." words just kept flowing out of my mouth. Griffin put a finger to my mouth stopping me as he laughed. 

"Wow, is that Griffin Johnson with a boy." I turned to the source of the sound. It was the boy with the bleached hair. I let out a little Whimper, i hated acting like a child but this was all to much. His eyes widened as he saw who i was. "Oh shit" 

Griffin looked at us both confused before it dawned on him. "Is he the dude who broke into your house. Seriously Jaden" he glared at the boy. 

Holy shit, his name fit perfectly and he was hot as fuck. "It was pretty funny actually to see my dads face when he saw it" Jaden's eyes came back to me as i spoke.

"Wow, he speaks" Jaden replied sarcasticly.

Griffin started to respond to defend me but for some reason i felt confident to hold my own, something i could never do at home. "Well lets think about that, I've meet you two times and the first time you had broken into my house and were drawing a pentagram with fake blood" Griffin looked at me shocked by proud, the way a father would not that i knew what it was like.

"Naw, babe that was all real" he lifted up his arm showing a large red scratch along it, which drew in my focus but as I looked i realized there were more cuts behind it, more scars. I started to walk toward him to get a closer look.

Hi y'all, im the author. So this was a choen story but i dont want to write about them anymore so i unpublished it then changed up the plot a bit and put Jaden and Anthony in it instead. Anyway comment whatcha think. Love y'all

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