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Anthony's POV

Jaden finally set me down when we got to his car. I made a move to get into the passenger seat, but he stopped me. Throwing the keys to Griffin he got in the back patting the seat for me to follow.

I wanted to talk to him about it, but i knew now wasn't the time. But still i wasn't some fragile delicate flower like he thought i was. I had been dealing with my parents for years before i even met him. So if it was gonna be like this every time something happened, i was going to have to talk to him.

We got out of the car at Olive Garden, Josh and Griffin were having their own conversation. I was glad they were talking again, josh had been really hurt  when Griffin stopped hanging out with us. Although i knew at some point today, i was going to tell him what was going on. 

We walked into Olive Garden, Jaden being possessive per usual grabbed my hand as we walked to the table. As we sat down Josh looked at me expectantly, i guess it was time to explain.

"Umm so where do i start. This is my boyfriend Jaden, but i think you knew that"

"Nope, i didn't but its nice to meet you Jaden. Now start at the beginning"  

"So it started when Jaden broke into my house, and drew a pentagram on my wall to scare my dad. And i accidentally interrupted him." i decided to skip the part about me dreaming about him constantly because Jaden didn't know that and it was kind of embarrassing. "So then when we were driving later, i noticed that Griffin had recognized Jaden, so i cornered him and made him explain". I paused not sure if i could share Griffin's secrets. Luckily he took over before i continued.

"So basically Anthony got me to admit that i knew Jaden, because i work at a gay bar. In that abandoned building you and him were exploring" he gestured at josh. 

Josh said nothing, he was taking about the same way i took it when i first found out. Finding the silence awkward i continued. "So then took me to where he works, where i met Jaden"

Jaden started laughing and i glared at him. "What, im just remembering your face when you saw me again. Josh you really missed it, it was hilarous" 

I hit Jaden before continuing."So then Jaden being the bad influence he is, got me high" Griffin shook his head at Jaden. "And then"

Jaden cut me off. "Nope you were asleep for the next part so im telling it. So basically, Anthony fell asleep on me, while Griffin got yelled at by Ants father for not going to church. But now its boring so im gonna speed everything up. Then later Anthony saw his dad and had a panic attack so i calmed him down and then he kissed me. A few days later bamn we are dating. And anthony finds out im a famous singer. But then his dad sees a photo of him and i on his insta and Ant gets in trouble. And now here we are" Ngl i honestly didn't remember what the first few chapters of my book were about so this is like a recap for everyone lol. I mean but to be fair, i started this story last year.

Josh stared at us in silence. "Uhhh"

Jaden fake whispered in my ear. "Wow, he's taking it so well" i slapped him lightly.

"Let's order" my plan was to distract Josh with food, it worked.

As we ate, i groaned remembering after this i had to go back to school. God, Griffin and Jaden were so lucky they were done with school. 

Jaden heard me and looked at me. "Whats wrong bubs" Griffin and Josh were engaged in a convo, i had always been the third wheel with them but it was chill. I didn't like being a center of attention so it always worked out. 

"Uhh nothing, i just dont want to go back to school"

"Remember your almost done, its your last year. Only like a month and a half left. And besides i have a surprise for you when its over"

 I perked up. I loved surprises. "Oooo what is it?" 

He chuckled. "Ant, the whole point of the surprise is i can't tell you" 

"Ugh ur mean"he just pulled me into his chest, kissing my forehead. My eyes widened realizing everyone could see us. "Jaden, this town is not friendly to people like us"

At this Griffin cut in. "Anthony, you really think i would take you to anti-gay Olive Garden"

Hey y'all i'm sorry for not updating i've been writing a different story about Ricky x ej and gina x nini from HSMTMTS. But i will definitely keep updating this story, dont worry. But would anyone read the other story i'm writing. Anyway vote and comment if possible. Also sorry this chapter was sort of boring.

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