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Jaden's POV

I opened my eyes, blinded by the sun, apparently i hadn't closed my blinds before. I looked down at the boy on my chest, he was so adorable. His hair all messy and in his face. I chuckled before reaching my arm to the bedside table and grabbing my phone, making sure not to disturb him. It was 10:08, and i had a shit ton of notifications. Which wasn't unusual, but it was more than usual. I went on Instagram, and went to tagged. Ahh fuck, it was a photo of me holding Anthony, looking pissed. I looked back down at the sleeping boy on my chest, he looked so peaceful, i didn't want to upset him he didn't need anything like that in his life. Sighing, i went to post to my story. I used a black screen, and wrote.

 "Hey guys, the guy i'm holding in the photo that is circulating is just my friend. I was mad because someone was harassing him, and wouldn't stop. My friend had just come to see me sing and i didn't want this to ruin his night, so i picked him up to get the dude to stop. We are just friends, so please stop posting us and saying we are couple. Anyway i love you guys. I hope everyone has a great day! And don't forget to stream comatose." 

"Jaden" anthony sleepily murmured looking up at me. 

"Goodmorning bubs" i pushed his hair out of his face, as he blushed realizing he was lying on my chest. 

"Thankyou, for last night, with you know" he looked down

"Of course, Ant. It wasn't okay what he did at all, i will always protect you" i didn't know why i was making all of these promises, he probably was going to go live his own life, i wouldn't be with him forever

Anthony didn't respond, he just hugged me. Before he sat up, sitting on my chest, and looked me in the eyes. "So you're Jadn, huh" he smirked at me, the soft-anthony completely replaced by this cocky one.

"Yep, is there a problem" I reached up and ruffled his hair. He just grinned down at me and bopped my nose causing us both to start laughing.

"are you sure you guys aren't dating" Griffin was standing in the doorway, his arrival had gone unnoticed.

"I dont know bro, anthony wanna go on a date" At this cocky anthony completely disappeared, he turned bright red and mumbled something.

"Sorry, anthony but we didn't hear you" at this point Griffin and i were just fucking with him, but i was a bit upset on the inside. Did he not want to go on a date with me, did he not like me back.

"I said yes" anthony yelled, and then proceeded to bury his head in my chest. 

"Come on y'all, get dressed we are going out" griffin came over and picked anthony up off me causing him to laugh. I slowly got up, grabbing and shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my hair. When i came out anthony was still sitting there, looking red.

"Whatcha need bubs" i looked at him

"Can i borrow a hoodie"he turned even redder if possible.

I nodded, before turning to my closet but on the inside i was freaking out. Ahhh he wanted one of my hoodies, ahhh. I threw one at him and he put it on. OMG, it was so cute, it swallowed him whole, he looked so adorable. 

We got in griffin's car, anthony looked down at his phone and grimaced. "My insta is blowing up and idk why" My eyes widened, shit they had found his account.

"Umm ant, i forgot to tell you but uhh, theres a photo going around of you in my arms and people are saying we are dating.

He started breathing faster, his pupils dilating. Maybe i should continue. "But i addressed it on my story saying we were just friends and some one was harassing you". I could tell what i said had not made things better. 

"thats not it. My dad is on my insta account, he always checks it. Im gonna get a text any minute" anthony was snapping at me but it was understandable.

Bing. And anthony gestured to his phone. "There he is" he read the message but i couldn't read his expression. "Yeah, can you take me home please." The tensions were high as Griffin drove, Anthony refused to look and me but i didn't blame him. This was my fault. 

As Griffin stopped the car, Anthony reached over and kissed me. "I dont blame you, Jaden. Don't blame yourself" as he got out of the car i just sat there in silence. 

I didn't understand him. How could he not blame me, he's in trouble and hes worrying about me. God, he was to perfect for this town, for this world. I loved him so much. I wanted to text him, telling him but right now i knew that wouldn't help his case. I just hoped everything worked out. 

Anthony's POV

Hey y'all small warning, there are going to be some slurs in this part. Slurs toward LGBTQ+ group. So im sorry for that but his dad says them. And also some child abuse, im very sorry for using this in the story.

I walked in the door, looking down. "Anthony, please join us at the table" he was calm, calm was never good. Calm meant a louder, longer explosion. I sat down with them, not wanting to look my father in the eyes. "Anthony, its rude to be quiet."

I looked up meeting my mothers eyes knowing it would be safer. "Sorry, sir. How was your day"

"My day was good Anthony, until i received some notifications. How was your time at Josh's"

I winced. This next sentence was going to break apart the illusion of the family dinner, no matter what i said. "It was quite fun, sir. We just hung out before going to meet some friends"

"That was a lie anthony! We do not lie in this household, i allowed you to have a sleepover and this is how you repay me. I called Josh's mother, you were never there. One lie after another just piles of lies." i nodded not wanting to interrupt. "And where were you actually"

"With my friends"

"No, Anthony you were not with your friends. They are not your friends. You were with people who are bad, with sins. After your poor poor father who was only looking out for you warned you not to talk to them. But no you went against my orders. And hung out with Faggots." At this point he started yelling. "I DID NOT RAISE MY SON TO BE A FAG, WHY, WHY ANTHONY" He turned his attention away from e up to our ceiling"WHY GOD, WHY. I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG, I HAVE BEEN YOUR FAITHFUL SERVANT. WHY GIVE ME THIS SON. WHY. I NEVER DESERVED A FAG AS A CHILD." he stopped screaming and put his head in his hands. It was quite for a few minutes as he thought, i was shaking, my breaths were shallow but i couldn't move. i was stuck to my chair, frozen in place. "I've got it" my father stood up."You chose me, because you knew i would punish him, do what was right, what he deserved. I will not let you down god." I was numb, frozen over.  My father grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bedroom.

Hey yall. Im really sorry that i wrote about this and/or if this is triggering for you. But besides that i hope everyone has a good day. And i will try to make the next chapter more upbeat, that just wasn't my mood today and my writing followed my mood. Again im really sorry.

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