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Anthony's POV
My eyes widening, they had PANCAKE MIX. "Can we make pancakes, pwease!" I stuck out my lower lip and pouted as the other two laughed at my antics. 

"Of course" griffin turned on the stove and grabbed the mix from me. 

Knowing he would deal with it, i wandered over to Jaden to bother him. "Hiiiiii" I apparently startled him because he jumped before looking down slightly at me. He didn't respond just pulled me into his arms. I wondered what he had been thinking about, but i didn't want to bother him so i stayed in him arms. Not gonna lie i was also really enjoying it, i felt safe, something i didn't feel often. 

All too soon he pulled away. I whimpered, honest to god a whimper at the loss of contact.

Jaden's POV

Wait, did he just whimper, i was hearing this. "Hey bubs look at what i found" Anthony looked back up at me his eyes lighting up.

"CHOCOLATE CHIPS" he yelled. Before hugging me and going over to Griffin. "Can we use these, pleaseeeeee" he nodded. Anthony hopped up on the counter and started contently eating the chocolate chips while zoning out. 

I couldn't help looking at him, he was just so pretty. Which was weird for me to say but i had long come to terms with my gayness. "Ant dont eat all of them before we put them in the pancakes" i took them out of his hands and set them next to Griffin, he blushed a bit. And i picked him up to set him on the floor, i didn't need to that but i couldn't help it. I wanted to protect him and be near him as much as possible. I couldn't like him, i had just met him. besides he was the Preachers son, as if he would ever allow it. 

"Pancake time" Griffin announced, handing us all plates. 

"Thankyou" anthony responded 

"Oh yeah thanks Grif" as I responded you could definitely tell who was raised with manners between Anthony and me. Anthony grabbed my hand and dragged me to a table where he could sit and eat his pancakes.

"Oh my god, these are so good" Anthony moaned. Griffin and I looked at each other questioningly and Anthony noticed. "Oh, pancakes are my favorite food but i only get them on my birthday because my dad says over-indulgence is a sin" At this moment I wanted to punch his father so much, just take Anthony away from this place and give him everything he every wanted. Because his father was a shitty person and Anthony didn't deserve that. Anthony saw my emotions before I hid them and he put his hand on my thigh in an attempt to calm me. I gave him a reassuring nod in return.

To the next morning

Anthony's POV

I moaned, why the fuck was it so bright, was the sun trying to kill me. I tried to get up but i couldn't, There were arms around me. There was a jaden around me. What should i do. "Pardon me jaden, but can you let me up i have to pee" i tapped his shoulder not wanting to be mean. He grunted in return not even opening his eyes and dragged me closer into him. So my face was now in his chest, which didn't have a shirt on. If my father could see me now in the arms of a shirtless guy. I giggled.

Jaden who was obviously not a morning person groaned. "Ant it is to early for giggling and moving" And with that he buried his head back into the pillow. I gave up and tried to fall asleep. 

"ANTHONY" Jaden and i both bolted up. "Anthony, your supposed me to be at church" Griffin reminded me. 

 I grabbed my phone "fuck, fuck, fuck" i wasn't usually one for swearing but sometimes needed it. Yep, several calls from my dad, texts from my mom and josh. I got up and started shoving my pants on. Unable to find my shirt, i wore one of Jaden's. "Griffin will you take me to the church" he nodded.

Jaden looked at me worriedly, still in bed before smirking "You look good in my clothes" as he got up and hugged me. My nose filled with the smell of him. How the fuck did he smell so good. I started blushing.

Then Griffin grabbed my arm. "Now is not the time for flirting Jaden, you know Anthony cant take that" he reprimanded him before dragging me down to the car.

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