Up all Night

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Jaden's POV

I was up all night, waiting for a text from Anthony. Just two words was all i needed, "Im fine". But it never came. As soon as the clock hit 8 am, i called Griffin. I was not famous for my patience, so for me 8 am was good enough. 

"Jaden?" griffins morning voice came through the phone, i had woken him up but i didn't care.

"Did anthony text you" i heard fumbling on his end as he looked through his phone.

"No?-" he started to ask me a question. But i was already over thinking.

"Shit. What if hes hurt? What if he's dead? He probably dead, its all my fault i got him killed"

"Jaden. Its 8 fucking am, hes probably just sleeping. You didn't kill him"

"No, he should be awake. He has school"

"Then hes probably at school and can't respond, or he got his phone taken away" as usual Griffin was being the responsible one. "Here ill text Josh if hes at school" we were both silent for a second.  Before Griffin started cursing. "Okay, he's not at school. But hes probably fine. We will check on him tomorrow okay"

I hung up the phone not knowing how to respond. This was all my fault. I started crying, i dont think i had cried in a few years. But i couldn't help it. Anthony was too good for this world, he was perfect. He didn't deserve this. It was all my fault. He was hurt because of me.

Needless to say i got nothing done that day, just Anthony on my mind. I grabbed a few redbulls from the grocery store and tried to distract myself on tik tok because i wasn't going to be sleeping anytime soon. Eventually i gave up on tik tok and went over to my notebook. I hadn't written anything in a while, i had been too busy. But now i had so much to write. 

When i looked up again, it was 8 am. I had spent five straight hours writing. Starting a repeat of yesterday's morning i called Griffin except this time he was awake.

"Everything is alright. He's at school" i could hear the relief in his voice but i still needed to see him to make sure. 

"Im gonna pick you up and we are gonna go on a little drive" 

"Sounds good" griffin hung up and i quickly got dressed before heading out to pick up Griffin.

I was probably speeding but i needed to see my baby. Okay i was definitely speeding, griffin was clinging onto the handle like parents did when their kids were learning to drive. I quickly parked and got out of the car only to be pulled back by Griffin. 

"bro you can't just run in there. Im gonna text Josh to tell Anthony to meet us in the boys bathroom on the first floor. I just shrugged him off. As we got in the school we were stopped by an adult. 

"Excuse me where are you guys going?"

"We are simply putting my brothers lunch in his locker, he forgot it" griffin held up a paper bag.

"Oh carry on" the lady seemed a bit suspicious but she let us through.

He lead me to the bathroom. And we waited. Hearing voices i tensed.

"Josh i still dont understand why we are going into this bathroom"

"Just come on Anthony" 

Suddenly he appeared, wearing my hoodie that looked adorable on him. "Jaden" he questioned. I just picked him up and hugged him. He was content in my arms till he winced. I immediately set him down.

"where" anthony shook his head. "Where" this time i was firmer starting to get angry. He lifted up the hoodie. 

Both Josh and Griffin gasped. "I swear to god im gonna kill that mother fucker"

"jaden no" anthony put himself between me in the door. I stroked his cheek, about to pull him in for a kiss when i noticed something. I had a tan spot on my shirt. An anthony skin tone colored spot. 

"Where did he hit you" i was growling at this point.

"I showed you" anthony acted confused.

"Did he slap you, or punch you. Where?" realization crossed his face as he saw my shirt.

"Its not that bad"

"Then why did you have to cover it" i knew i sounded mean, and it wasn't his fault but i was pissed at his dad. His lip started quivering. Ahh fuck. "No, bubs im not mad at you. You did nothing wrong. This isn't your fault" i hugged him again being careful this time not to squeeze to tight. 

Griffin interrupted. "How about we go get mc donalds. Are you guys okay with skipping" Josh nodded, and Anthony gave him a thumbs up.

"What about your dad" i asked him concerned

"The school attendance is wired to my phone" and with that we walked out of the school. Anthony in my arms, i was afraid if i let go i would lose him or he would break.

"Jaden im fine" Anthony murmured in my shoulder. I just shook my head. 

Hey yall im sorry this ones sorta short and boring. Anyway i hope everyone is having an okay time in quarantine and if anyone needs anything you can message me. Anyway please vote and comment if you can. Have a good day!

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