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Omg im sorry but i had to share. For some reason duck tales theme song just started playing, and honestly i cant stop laughing. Now on with the story :)

Anthony's POV

Jaden reluctantly dropped us back off at school,  every time i tried to go into the school, he would grab me and hug me or caress my cheek. Finally Griffin pulled back him back in the car, i went back into hell. As much as i had loved hanging with Jaden, and the boys, i had missed yesterday so i had a shit ton of school work to catch up on and skipping had helped the pile grow.

As each period passed my anxiousness grew, because Jaden was just a fantasy world, at the end of the day i still i had to go home and deal with everything i was avoiding. Looking outside, having awaken from my thoughts. The sky reflected my mood, the sky was dark, no thunder but heavy-ish rain. I wondered what Jaden was doing.

Jaden's POV

Griffin had gone, back to his house. The bar was closed, i was alone in the building. Feeling antsy I decided to go for a walk, looking around my room for the raincoat, my gaze paused. My basketball. My previous life, the one i had left behind. 

Grabbing the outdoor ball, i headed outside, raincoat completely forgotten as more important thoughts took over my head. I walked around for a bit, looking for a hoop. I saw no one, it was like entire town had disappeared, which wasn't true. I knew the logical explanation, that everyone was at work or school, but i was never a big fan of logical.

There! A lonely basketball hoop behind the fire station, it hadn't been used in years, covered in grime but it was still a hoop. I put in my air-pods, letting the music wash over me and started shooting. Doing in between the legs, lay-ups, my shot was a bit off but that was expected.

When I played basketball that was all i focused on, i could let all of my problems go. I didn't think of Anthony, the guilt i felt. All of my problems washed away with the rain, i was just Jaden. 

When i came out of it, i looked around. The rain had stopped, it was sunny. A rainbow, i started laughing at the sheer irony of it. Looking down at my phone i had a few text messages, i had been out for hours but i didn't realize. I first responded to Anthony.

While waiting, i started to remember why i had loved basketball so much, sure getting high was great, also super effective but it just wasn't the same as basketball. 

Sighing, i walked home knowing i would be returning soon.

Way sooner then i expected though, as here i was the next day at 7 am, playing basketball. I was just waiting for Saturday, when i could be with Anthony again. Playing my music i once again got lost in the rhythmic dribbles and sound of the net swooshing.

Anthony's POV

School was boring per usual, well until lunch. When apparently some kid had seen me and Jaden kiss so they decided to scream at me for being gay when in reality i was a disaster bisexual, but why would they care to use the right terms. Anyway, it wasn't bad i had been through worse, i was just so glad that Jaden had not seen it. 

I turned around, sighing and ignoring them before making eye contact, with the dreamy eyes i loved so much. I grinned realizing Jaden had come to see me, but it quickly changed it to a grimace as i saw the murderous look in his eyes. Josh saw it too and together we ran over to Jaden.

"Hey, hey, hey Jaden" I made him look at me. "I'm fine, nothings wrong. You don't need to do anything" I knew me saying that wasn't going to do anything though, Jaden was so hot headed.

"I'll text Griffin" Josh had gathered the same, as Jaden put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it before walking past.

"HEY, YEAH YOU" Jaden was screaming and pointing at the boy, as they grew closer, Jaden whispered something in his ear, i couldn't hear but it must have been bad based on the look of terror he got in return. 

Okay, but not gonna lie, i knew it was bad but it was really hot seeing Jaden like this.

"Oh shit" Josh muttered making me realize i was not paying attention.

Jaden had punched the kid and was now walking back to us like nothing happened. "Want to go get lunch" i looked him straight in the eyes and he looked back.

"So we are just gonna ignore that" Jaden didn't respond. "I guess we are" i sighed, before just moving on.

As we ate, there was one thing that kept bothering me, I was not fragile. I could fight my own battles, as much as i loved it when Jaden stood up for me, there was a level we were fast approaching that was too much. I'd have to talk to him about it later.

Hey y'all i'm so sorry for not updating i just haven't been in the right mindset to for a while. Anyway i'll hopefully start updating more regularly again. Also stream angels and demons bc it's a bop. Also vote and comment if possible

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